Chapter 28: Help from the elves

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I held onto Thranduil tightly as his elk sprinted through the forest, as we entered the elven kingdom i dismounted. "TAURIEL!" He yelled. "Yes sir?" She said popping out of nowhere. "Take princess Ashe, give her new clothing." Thranduil said. Tauriel quickly nodded and took my hand rushing me away. "Come on, quickly." She urged as we entered the bedroom I've become so familiar too. Tauriel pulled an out fit out of the closet. "Here, put this on, quickly." She said. I nodded and stripped my wet clothes and put on the new ones. ((Picture)). I hooked the cloak around my shoulders and pulled the archery gloves on. Tauriel handed me my bow and arrows and I took them, situating them correctly. "Alright, let's go get Talion." I said. Tauriel nodded before we ran through the kingdom. I was worried about my siblings, angry rampaging dragons was dangerous business. We went down and I saw a massive army of elven soldiers in armor. "Whoa..." I whispered. I suddenly heard a loud howl before Talion came to me, I jumped onto his back and secured my legs. I kissed his head and grinned. "Ashe," Thranduil spoke up. He came beside me. "We have an army ready." He said. "The chains?" I asked, just as about six men brought in an abundance of large iron chains. "Perfect. Can we go?" I asked. Thranduil mounted his elk and nodded. "Do you know where the dragons headed?" He asked me. "Yes, I believe I do." I said patting Talions neck. "You know their sent right?" I asked. Talking huffed and nodded his head. "Yeah, we know the way." I said. "Then lead on." He said. "I get to lead an elvish army?" I said awestruck. "Indeed." He replied. I giggled and squealed, "this is so cool!!! Under bad circumstances but so cool!!!" I gushed and nodded before Talion took off, Thranduil behind me, the army following.

Scottie POV

I held tightly onto Allistor's waist as we caught up with our dragons. "We need to somehow wheel them around!" Shaleh yelled. "Get me close to Aetne." I said. Allistor nodded and kicked Sader so burst his speed. As we closed in on Aetne I held onto Allistor's shoulders and stood carefully. "What are you doing?!!?!" Damien yelled. "Shh!" I snapped at him. "Get me closer." I said. "You know, Scottie I understand your a badass and all but I just want to remind you that if you fall you have no chance of survival and that's a fact." Phoenix said nervously. "I understand that, I've had to do worse though, so shut up and let me focus." I said. Sader flew lower than Aetne and glided so his wing was soaring right below Aetnes. I took a deep breath before running across Sader's wing and jumping onto my dragons. I shrieked as I caught the edge of it, hanging. "Scottie!!!!" The twins yelled. I growled and pulled myself up into the wing, thanking mahal for my body strength. I ran my way across his wing and mounted his neck, holding onto his horns. "AETNE!!!" I yelled. He rumbled a low growl and roared. I flinched at the loud noise. I growled and jerked his head to turn him, knowing all my dragons weak spots. He dove down just as Sader moved out of the way. I held on as he landed solidly on the ground, though as soon as he did he began thrashing his head around. I screamed as I was thrown from him. I soared though the air just before I was caught by many arms. "Ahh!" I squeaked and opened my eyes to see six elven soldiers cradling me. "T-thank you..." I stuttered. "Scottie!" I heard my little sisters voice. "Ashe!" I said running to her, as I ran I felt a piercing pain in my leg and collapsed. "Scarlet!!!" My sister yelled as she ran to me. "I'm fine I'm fine, help me up." I said. I knew I wasn't fine, I'm pretty sure I'm on the edge of breaking my leg. I looked down and saw that my thigh was beginning to swell. "Come on, get on Talion." She said. I got on and she began strapping in my legs. "Aren't you riding with me?" I asked. "There isn't room enough for us to stay safe, so follow me." She said. I was amazing while looking at my baby sister, she was growing so fast. Her maturity level was rising rapidly. "Ashe, ride with me." King Thranduil said as he approached us. Ashe nodded and tightened the strap around my injured thigh. I hissed in pain causing her to looked at me worried. "Are you injured??" She's asked outing pressure on my thigh again, earning another hiss. "Obviously!" I snapped. "...I'm tightening this to keep this leg secured. Be careful, let Talion control." She said before she took Thranduils hand and he pulled her up. She held around his waist as we all looked to the sky and saw Allistor and Damien circling the three dragons causing them to lower in the sky. "Their taking the air out from their wings!" Ashe said. "Brilliant actually." I said. As they got low enough for the chains Thranduil barks orders in elvish. I watched as Talion jumped and stood beside the elk and the elvish soldiers ran to their posts. Suddenly Lissoth landed on the ground running. The elves ran and threw the chain in front of his her chest and used all their strength to stop her. Another chain was thrown around his back and clamped down. Lissoth thrashed and roared as they threw an iron chain muzzle so he couldn't open his mouth. Phoenix jumped down as Maleth Dover to the ground. "Lissoth!!" She said as she took ahold of the chains around his nose. He growled and thrashed though she didn't let go. Phoenix growled and jumped onto Lissoths back. She found the open spot in her neck where the scale she had was missing. She pulled her violently glowing neckless out and jammed the crystal into her arm. She screeched in agony, as did Lissoth. She pulled it out, it was covered in blood. She rammed it into Lissoths skin through the open scale, fusing their blood, bringing Lissoth back to normal. Lissoth roared then fell asleep, her head smashing onto the ground. I watched as Phoenix's eyes drooped, before she fell deadweight, landing on the ground. "Phoenix!" I yelled trying to jolt forward onto to retort in pain. Shaleh jumped from Maleth and went to her sisters side. As she approached, Lioth, Shaleh's dragon landed behind her. Without even a second thought she knew what to do. She took her crystal out and jammed it into her arm just as her sister did. She shrieked in pain and pulled it out. I looked at her worked and pulled my leg. "Agh!" I groaned. Shaleh stabbed the gem into Lioth's open spot in her hied. As she did so she blacked out to the ground. I suddenly saw Aetne corkscrewing straight towards Ashe, who was running to help the twins. "ASHE!!!!!" I screamed. Before she could reached Aente hit her as she landed. A piercing scream uproared. I undid the buckle and ran to her. My leg was spiking with unbearable pain. I took out my crystal and slit my wrist, getting blood on it. I rammed it into Aetne. I clung to her scales as my vision was overflowed with black spots. I looked down and saw Ashe looking up at me, I could see her clutching her arm, I saw Thranduil run to her side. I looked over and saw Damien running to me. "Wh-where's...Ladel..." I whispered as he came to me. "Scottie don't worry, your all gonna be alright!" He said. "Allistor is going to get Ladel." He said lifting me off Aetne. I could no longer feel my thighs pain, I couldn't feel it at all actually. "Come, back to Mirkwood. We will tend to the princesses wounds." Thranduil said. I clung to my brother as he lifted me. I tired to looked back at Aetne...however my vision was black before I could turn my head, and my body went limp.

Damien POV

I sighed, it had been about five hours since we made it back to Mirkwood without injuring the girls any further. Thranduil was distinctively worried about Ashe...which I found odd, but dismissed it. "Damien!!! Laddie!!!" I heard Dwalins gruff voice. I turned, "Dwalin!" I yelled. "Where are the princesses?" He asked. "They where all being taken to be treated. "Good...Allistor got Ladel. So that's taken care of, the dragons are back in Erebor." He said. "Good, I've had about enough of dealing with dragons today." I sighed. Dwalin nodded, "aye, I have too." He said. I smirked. "I looked as the elvish doctor came out of Scotties room. "How is she?" I asked. "She is well, we've treated her and now all she must to is recover. You must leave her be for today. She will most likely be asleep the rest of the day." He said before taking his leave. "Great..." I said rubbing my head, beginning to feel a headache coming on. "I'm going to go back to Erebor to make sure all is well, I'll be back." Dwalin said. "Bring Bofur back with you, and Kili and Fili." I said. "Why Bofur?" He asked. "I think him and Scottie are together..." I said. "What makes ye think that?" He asked. I groaned, "well they're together all the time. Just, bring him." I said. Dwalin sighed and nodded, "aye, be back later." He said before taking his leave. I leaned my head against the wall and closed my eyes, hoping my headache wold go away soon.

I woke up, still outside of Scotties medical room. On the left was Phoenix's, then Shaleh's, on the right was Ashe's. I looked and saw Thranduil coming out of Ashe's room. "How is she?!" I asked. "Her arm is broken, however we where able to put the bone back in place. All that's left is to keep it in a cast until it's healed." He said. "And the twins?" I asked. "We've called Radagast to come and see them." He said. I nodded. "Thank you, very much for helping us." I said holding out my hand. "Of course, your father and I are trying to make an alliance arent we? Why not help." He said kindly. I smiled, "oh yeah, I forgot about that." I said. "Damien?" I heard Scottied voice from inside. I looked from the elven King and opened the door. My sisters leg was being held up, in a tight solid cast. She had a hairline fracture in her femur. "Hey, how ya feelin?" I asked. She laughed halfheartedly. "I mean I guess...about as well as I could do with intense leg pain." she said. "Where's the twins?" She asked. "Next door. Thranduil is caring for Ashe." I said. "And the dragons?" She asked. "Safely back in Erebor." I said. She nodded and sat up. "What's on your mind?" I asked. She raised an eyebrow and looked at me. "You don't think...that word of this could somehow get to the Shire do you?" She asked. My eyes widened. "I didn't think of all." I said. She looked at me worried. "Scarlet!" I heard Bofurs playful voice behind me. "Bofur!!" She said smiling as he came and hugged her. "What happened tae yer leg lass?" He asked. "Uh, ya know I'm not sure." She said with a smirk. "You have a hairline fracture in your thighbone." I said. "Ugh...lovely." She said. "Danne worry yer pretty head, with the rate all of you heal you'll be better in no time." Bofur said. "Where's Ashe??" I heard Fili say from behind us. "What?" I asked. "Ashe, where is she?" He asked. "Next room, but we aren't aloud in there yet. Go check on one of the twins." I said. He nodded. "Where's Dwalin?" I asked. "He's at Erebor with Allistor." Kili said coming behind Fili, taking his place as he left. I nodded. "Alright, well. I think we should all leave them to rest." I said. Bofur kissed Scotties forehead and followed me out. "So I was right?" I asked looking at him. "What?" Bofur asked. "You and my sister?" I asked smiling. Bofur grinned, "aye." He said smiling. "Do ether of my parents know?" I asked. "Yer maamr does." He said. "Damien, other dwarves," Thranduil said approaching us. "All of you look exhausted, I imagine your all hungry?" He asked. "Aye, I am." Bofur said. I nodded in agreement. "Starved, you got food?" I asked. Thranduil nodded, "Daliu will show you to the dinning hall." He said as an elf came to his side. I looked at the others before we followed him down to the woodland halls. As we passed Ashe's room I peaked into her room. I looked and saw she was asleep, there where various scratches on her face, her arm was in a cast. I also saw Talion sleeping next to the bed. I sighed and closed the door. As I turned I saw Thranduil looking at me. I averted my gaze and went in the direction I saw the others go. I glanced back once more to see Thranduil staying close to Ashe's door, as well as telling two soldiers to stand outside of it. "Weird..." I muttered as I turned away.

Heirs to the Throne ((Sequel to The Lionheart))Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant