Chapter 15: The letters

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Ashe POV

I looked at the ground, feeling my parents intense eyes on me. "Well...please don't be mad..." I said. "We won't be mad as long as you don't lie Ashe." My father said. I knew for a fact that if my father knew I was in Mirkwood....a war would start. "Well...I went out to try and ride Talion..." I started instantly earning a disapproving look from taad. "And we where our riding near a section of cliffs and caves..." I said. I then remembered two elves in Mirkwood talking about a massive storm last night. "And then we got caught in a massive storm and I couldn't see a single thing infront of me so Talion and I camped in a cave with a fire and waited out the storm." I said. I looked at my parents who seemed to be believing everyword. "And so while we where waiting out the storm I ended up falling asleep then we made our way y back in the morning." I said looking at the ground. "Well..." My fathers tone was low...almost deadly. I felt my heard pounding in my chest waiting for him to speak again. "I'm glad you where smart enough to wait the storm out instead of going through it. However this is the only time I'm warning you to NEVER sneak out like that again. And NEVER go out at night. You could have asked me if you wanted to go learn how to ride Talion." He said. I sighed, "Thorin you would have said no." Maamr said. "Well...she's too young!!!" He said. "Thorin! She rode a warg on her own, was able to keep herself safe and got back home. I think your treating her a little younger than she is." Maamr argued. Taad huffed and stood. "Don't do anything like that again. No matter where you go I always want you home before dark." He said before leaving. I looked at my mom, "he's mad at me isn't he..." I asked. "My love we where all so scared, your father was having very mixed emotions, that of anger, sadness, terror and confusion. I'm on your side that your not a little kid anymore. However...sweetie your your fathers littlest child. You will also be his last child." She said. I grinned, "good I like being the youngest." I said. Maamr laughed and nodded, "I can tell, now go and spend time with your sisters and brothers. You have all of them here now so spend time with them while it lasts." She said I smiled widely and nodded before running out the door.

Thorin POV

I stormed down the tunnel to the brewery down in the bottom of the mountain. Happily I was greeted by Dwalin, Kili, Fili, Bofur and Balin and Allistor. "Thorin! Grab pint of ale!" Dwalin smiled. It was obvious they had all already been drinking quite a bit. "Aren't you supposed to be with your brother and sister?" I asked my son while filling a pint for myself. "Well Phoenix, Shaleh, Lily, Melody and Scottie are just talking and talking and talking and Liam went to sleep so...yeah." He said before taking a drink. Dwalin laughed, "that's women for ya!" He laughed making the others laugh. I cracked a small grin. "What's wrong Thorin?" Balin asked. I glanced at my son who obviously knew I didn't want to talk about it infront of him so he nodded and left. I sat down in his seat and sighed, "it's Ashe." I said. "What's wrong with her?" Kili asked. "I don't know, I don't think anything is but she's just growing up too fast for me..." I said. "Oh, I think I understand. You think your losing your last little girl?" Balin asked. I nodded, Balin grinned and planned a hand on my shoulder, "well look at it this way, if you let her act her age and allow her to explore her life a bit then soon enough down the road you'll have grandchildren!!" He said. I smiled, "probably a lot too...given you have nine kids." Bofur said. I nodded, "aye...that's true. I'd like to see someone try to end the line of Durin after they all have had kids." I said taking a drink. "Aye, if they all have three kids that's....twenty seven kids. Yeah good luck with that." Dwalin laughed. I smiled and nodded. "Then we have Kili and Fili who are sure to have kids." I said. Fili grinned and Kili became wide eyed. I laughed and shook my head, "what lad ye scared of havin kids???" Bofur laughed slapping Kili's back. "N-no!!" He retorted. The rest of us burst out laughing.

Ashe POV

I sat and smiled at my sister telling stories about her time in Rivendell and that she is going back in a few days. "Lily you should come with me, you, Liam and I could all go!" She said smiling. I felt saddened that if lily said yes that I would have one less sibling. "T-that would be awesome!!!" Lily said smiling. "Then we just need maamrs approval!" Melody said happily before standing and running off with Lily at her tail. "Is it just me or am I the only one sort of hoping Lily doesn't go?" Scottie said leaning back on her hands. "No...I do too." Phoenix said. Shaleh and I nodded. "Hey...maybe if Lily ends up going then mom will take us all to The Shire with her!" I said smiling. They all suddenly lit up, "I forgot Maamr is going to the shire!!" Shaleh said. "That would be so fun! I love Mr. Baggins! He's so adorable!" Phoenix said. I giggled and nodded. "What are you four laughing about?" We all turned and saw our aunt Dis behind us. "Aunt Dis! Oh we're laughing about how adorable Mr. Baggins is." Scottie said. "Oh he is adorable." She laughed. "Yeah, we want to go to the shire with her, since Lily might be going back to Rivendell with Melody and Liam." I said. She looked at me surprised, "really? I'm surprised she would want to go." She said before sighing, "well I need to go hunt down my sons. I will talk to you girls later!" She said before walking away and waving. "Bye aunt Dis!" We all said simultaneously. "Do you think she will actually go?" I asked tugging of the sleeves of the sweater I had put on. "I don't know, I actually think she probably will." Scottie said. I scowled, I really didn't want her to leave...but it was her choice.

Later in the evening after we had had dinner and our parents talked with Melody and Lily saying they would think about it. I decided to go out to the lake and sit for a while since Talion was sleeping in my room. As I walked out I saw the man who delivered our families mail. "Hello Princess Ashe!" He greeted me respectfully before he patted on the bag he had holding our mail. "I, have a mail for your family." He said beginning to walk again, I stopped him. "I'll take it. I can give it out when I go back inside." I said with a smiled. "Oh! Well alright. Be sure to give that to your father there's a lot in there for him." He said before grinning and walking back. I tossed the bag strap over my should so it hung across my chest and went to sit on the rock I chipped to form like a comfy in the form of a crescent moon. I sat down and pulled the bag into my lap and began looking through the mail. He sure wasn't kidding when he said there was a lot for my dad. "Taad...taad...taad...Maamr....taad..taad...Phoenix...Damien....taad....Lily....
Allistor....Ashe...wait what?!" I stopped as I looked at a beautiful silver envelope. I was surprised to have gotten mail, I never do. Usually anything concerning me went to my father. I opened the letter and my breath hitched. It was from Mirkwood...from King Thranduil. "H-how did he get this to me..." I whispered to myself. He would have had to have known who I actually was to do that.

"Dear Ashe,

Yesterday morning after you departed I had one of my men follow you home to make sure you traveled safely. I was surprised to find out you live in Erebor, among the dwarves. As I understand you are under the rule of King Thorin Oakenshield and must say he would most likely not be amused at the knowing of our planned training. To avoid any tension with the dwarves of Erebor I request that we keep our training low key. I look forward to our first lesson.

King Thranduil of the Woodland Realm"

I stared wide eyed at the paper and I could hear my heart pounding in my chest. "Well...he knows I live in Erebor...however he does not know who I belong let's keep it that way." I muttered to myself. I tucked the Letter into the side of my pants, pressing it against my thigh hiding it. I looked through the mail once more and noticed Allistor's letter. It was smaller and had his name written in curly girl handwriting with a small heart over the i. "Awe, cute. This must be from Luna." I grinned. I hopped off the rock and put all the letters back in the bag, holding Allistor's in my hand.

I carried the letter to his room and knocked. He opened it and I smiled, "you got a letter~" I said holding it out to him. He took it from my hand and I saw a like dust of pink on his cheeks. I giggled, "you guys are cute~ writin letters~" I teased. "Shut it ya pesky little imp." He said with a smirk. I laughed, " I'm not an imp!!" I said sticking my tongue out before walking to my room to see Talion drinking water. I patted his head and went into my bed after changing my clothes. I looked at the letter Thranduil sent me once more before setting it on the night table beside my bed and rolling over. "I'll try to go tomorrow..." I mutter before closing my eyes and falling asleep.

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