Chapter 31: spending the night in Mirkwood

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Ashe POV

I looked up at Thranduil wide eyed, after my brother left. "Well...that was scary." I muttered. He shot me a grin, "not so much." He said. "You haven't lived with him...he can be terrifying sometimes." I said quietly. "Ah, well. You should be going to bed. Goodnight," he said while kissing my forehead. Before I could reply I loud clap of thunder arose. I squeaked and stuttered. "G-goodnight..." I squeaked. "Are you afraid of Thunder?" He asked. I nodded, "n-no!! That's absurd!!" I said defensively. Thranduil raise an eyebrow and nodded. "Well, If anything is needed my room is beside yours." He said before taking his leave. I shrieked as another thunder clap shook and sprinted into my room. I dove into my bed just as thunder struck. "Ahhhh!!!!!" I squealed as I pulled the blankets tightly around me. I shook violently and flinched everytime Lightning lit up my room.

My eyes where widened in terror...I still hadn't been able to sleep one bit. Another crack of thunder rung, though this was louder than the others. I shrieked and jumped out of bed. I ran out my room and snuck into Thranduils. I flinched as lightning lit it up. I shakily creeped to the side I saw Thranduil sleeping on. I was terrified to do this...but I needed someone to be with, and I had no idea where Allistor was. I gently shook Thranduil's shoulder just as monstrous lightning struck. I covered my ears and felt tears on my cheeks. "T-Thranduil!" I squeaked shaking his shoulder again. He groaned and opened one eye. "Ashe?" He asked, "y-yes." I said. He sat up, his blankets covering his legs, reviling his times torso. "What's wrong?" He asked concerned. I was about to speak before a loud crack of thunder erupted and I let out a cry and covered my face. Thranduil slid off the bed and kneeled down infront of me, "shed no tears, the lightning will not hurt you." He said brushing his fingers against my cheek. "Y-you don't know that!" I said. "if it tries, I will kill it." He said. I giggled causing him to smile, "Á tulë sinomë (come here)" he said before pulling me into a comforting embrace, I only hugged him back when thunder struck again. I clung to him tightly, trying not to shake but failing miserably. "Av-'osto(don't be afraid)." He said before lifting me into his bed and lying down beside me. I curled up close to him, he was warm and inviting. Defiantly not the King you would normally see. "Le fael (thank you)" I said ever so quietly. "When did you learn that?" He asked. "I've just listened to you when you talk..." I said resting my head on his shoulder. I felt his hand rest on my hip. I layed my hand on his smooth chest before closing my eyes. I felt him rub my side gently everytime thunder or lightning cracked. I flinched and moved myself up and hugged around his neck tightly, hiding my face. I felt him chuckle lightly and rub my back. "I have a question..." I muttered. "Yes?" He asked. "How do you say "can I kiss you?" In elvish?" I asked looking at him. He grinned, "Sevin i *dhaw gîn gi *mibed?(can I kiss you?)" he said. I giggled and nodded before pressing my lips to his. He smiled into the kiss and deepened it. I felt my face blush as his strong arms tightened around me. Our lips moved in perfect sync, it felt so right. Even the loud thunder couldn't shake my focus on him.

Shaleh PoV

I followed Phoenix as we snuck around the Mirkwood kingdom. "Okay we need to avoid Allistor." She whispered. I nodded, "what are we looking for exactly?" I asked. "I don't know...anything that can prove our little hunch about Thranduil and Ashe." She said. "Isn't that an invasion of privacy?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "Yeah of course it is! But it's for the greater good!" She defended. I laughed, "true, I think she'd prefer us knowing than taad." Phoenix said strolling down the hall. I suddenly noticed a head of bright red hair coming down the conjoined hall. "Nix!!!" I whisper screamed and pulled her back before hiding us behind a pillar. We peaked around the corner to see Allistor pass by us. I felt as though all was clean...until Phoenix sneezed. "Shit..." I whispered. We saw Allistor stop. "I thought I told you two to go back to Erebor." He said. "Don't do anything...maybe we're not the two he's talking too." Phoenix whispered. "Yeah there's no way he knows." I whispered. "Wow, I didn't realize you two had twin stupidity as well." He said turning to look at us. He looked irritated and as though he was thinking hard. "You okay?" I asked. He groaned, "no. I'm not, I'm worried, I'm confused, I wanna punch someone very specific but I can't and i need a drink." He said running his fingers through his hair. "Hah, you sound like mom when dad is being unreasonable." I laughed. He glared at me, "you two better get your asses back home now." He growled. "But it's raining!!!" Phoenix said. "I don't care. Call Lissoth and Lioth. Just GO HOME." He said angrily, we flinch and backed up. "Alright alright!" We said simultaneously. We looked at eachOther and held our crystals in our hands. They began to glow, letting our dragons know where we are. Allistor sighed and left and we stood where we where. "So how much time do you think we have before they get here?" I asked. "Hm...hour? Maybe two?" Phoenix said. "Well...wanna adventure?" I asked. "If I ever turn that down, kill me." She said smiling. We ran off down the hall towards mahal knows where.

We managed to find ourselves down in the stables...we also found Talion. "Wait....I thought Ashe went back to Erebor." Phoenix said. "Hm, doesn't look that way, that warg wouldn't let her get a mile away from him without him knowing." I said. Suddenly he let out a loud huff and growled. We flinched and jumped back. "H-how does she deal with that?!" Phoenix squeaked. "I...have no idea." I said. We looked around a little more and found a locked room. "Hand me your knife." Phoenix said. I handed her my thin small knife and she kneeled down and began picking the lock. "I won't what Taad would say if he knew his daughters where little breaking and entering criminals." I smirked. "He can't say shit. Him and the others broke into that armory in Laketown all those years ago!" She defended. "True, true." I laughed. "Ugh this fucking lock won't budge." She groaned. "Let me try." I said. She handed me the knife and I put it back before pulling two pins I had in my hair. I kneeled down and fiddled with the lock until we heard a click. "There we go~" I said triumphantly. We pushed open the door and saw darkness. I found a lantern nearby and lit it. "Whoa..." Phoenix whispered behind me. "What?" I asked putting the match out. She took my shoulder and turned me. My eyes instantly set on a large set of armor...that was obviously made for a warg. "Okay...this doesn't mean it's for Talion..." I said. "Well feast your eyes on the engraving of his name Shaleh." She said pointing at...the obvious engraving of the name Talion. Before ether of us could say anything our crystals glew, telling us our dragons where here. We sighed and relocked the door before running outside to meet our magnificent beasts.

As we flew through the rain as fast as possible we spoke. "Do you think he made that for her?" Phoenix asked. "Well I assume so." I said. "So...ya think Ashe has anything of his or from him?" She asked. I looked at her and nodded, "that bow for one. No bow like that comes from a troll cave." I said. "Well...why don't we search her room when we get back?" She asked. I nodded, "yeah. We should." I said as we neared the mountain.
As soon as we landed we sprinted inside. "Phoenix! Shaleh! Dears your going to catch a cold!" We heard our aunt Dis yell. "We'll be fine!!!" We yelled as we climbed multiple flights of stairs before reaching the corridor with all of our bedrooms. We rammed into Ashes and began franticly searching. We pulled clothes from drawers, searched her books, searched through Talion's bed, and hers. We looked through her bathroom and closet. "There's nothing. There absolutely nothing!" Phoenix said out of breath, sitting on Ashes bed. I groaned and sat down on the floor. "Ugh. This is ridiculous." I said. "Maybe she hides it somewhere else?" Phoenix asked as she layed back. I shrugged and layed back on the floor. "I have no id-" I cut myself off when I looked to the left...with a clear view of under her bed. "Phoenix!!!!!!!" I shrieked. "What?!?!?" she asked franticly as she sat up. "Under the bed!!!!!!" I said as i dove under grabbing a silver chest. "Whoa....there has to be stuff in there!" Phoenix said. We looked around and couldn't find a key, so we picked the lock until it clicked. "This is wrong...I feel as though it's wrong..." Phoenix said. "It's totally wrong, but necessary." I said as I opened it. I furrowed my eyebrows as i lifted multiple letters out of the box. "Their all from Thranduil." I said. We read over them...she was training with him, spending time with him....falling in love with him. "This is mad..." Phoenix whispered. We looked at eachOther than back to the various letters. "Our little sister is in a relationship with the king of Mirkwood..." We said. We took a deep breath, "we need to tell someone..." I said. "Allistor. He'll know what to do." She said. I nodded, "he will. We'll tell him when he returns." I said. Phoenix nodded before we closed the chest and took it with us to our bedroom. I had a dark feeling in my chest, it won't be long before all goes to hell.


Hey!! I'm sorry for the delayed chapter, I haven't been feeling great BUT, guess who might get to leave the hospital~~~ *points to self*, ANYWAYS I hope you all enjoyed the chapter! I hopefully won't delay the next one if all stays well!!

Thank you to all of you who have been keeping up with my books! And thank you so so so so much for all the "get well" comments 💙💙💙 they mean a lot!


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