Chapter 11: new people

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Ashe POV

I ran quickly through the halls of my home until I reached my room. I opened the door and closed it behind me. Talion looked up at me, he was laying on the ground, sprawled out. I grinned and walked toward him. "Hey, taad said I could come and check up on you~" I said petting his neck. I looked down at the bandage and scowled. I moved and pulled the bandage off looking at it. "You know... maybe theres someone who could help us." I said rewrapping the wound. I looked at him and thought for a moment. "Maybe Mr. Gloin knows of any herbs that will help?" I thought. I walked back out of my room and made my way through the halls down to the medical room. I opened and saw Mr. Balin working on something. "Mr. Balin! Can you help me?" I asked. "Princess Ashe! What can I do for you?" I heard him say. "Well I was wondering if you possibly...had a book...on healing herbs?" I asked. Balin thought for a moment and nodded before rummaging through a pile of books. "Aren't you supposed to be at dinner?" He asked. I nodded, "yes but taad told me I was excused for a little while." I said with a grin. Balin pulled out a large book and handed it to me. "Thank you so much!!" I said happily before going back to the dinning room. "Well you took a while." Taad said as I sat back down. "Yeah I'm sorry, I was looking at Talion's wound-" I started but was cut off. "Wound? He's wounded?" Taad asked. I nodded and pushed my plate back before setting the book on the table. "What's that?" Scottie asked. "Well, it's a book of healing plants. I'm hoping to find one in there that could heal Talion faster." I said opening the book. "What kind of injury does he have dear?" Maamr asked me. "There's a large gash in his leg. Scottie and I stitched it but I want to know if there's anything that will help it faster." I said. "Have you heard of a hithus?" Allistor asked. I shook my head, "it's a healing herb that elves use to help mend cuts. I don't know if it would work on a warg but you never know." He said before taking a bite of his food. "Where do you find it?" I asked. "It normally grows west of here. I'm sure if you want I can take you and we can go find some and see if it works." He said. I smiled and nodded, "can we go tomorrow??" I asked. Allistor looked at our taad. "...keep an eye on her." He said. Allistor grinned and nodded. "Alright then. Tomorrow it is." Allistor said with a smile. I grinned and moved my book before pulling my plate back and beginning to eat again. "So...who is Talion?" Beorn asked. My eyes widened and I looked at taad. Maamr laughed nervously, "well do you remember how I mentioned earlier how some of the kids have dragons, or horses or Eagles?" She asked. Beorn nodded. "Well, little miss Ashe over there has a gundabad warg." She said. Beorns eyes widened, "a warg?" He asked astonished. I nodded slowly. "It's sort of a long story." Maamr said. Beorn eyed me before nodded and looking back to his food. My eyes darted from his to my taad, who looked as though he was trying not to laugh. I smiled and covered my mouth. He glanced at me and then to maamr, who had a smile on her face. Suddenly out of no where a bread roll flew past me hitting taad right in the face. "Oh shit..." I heard Scottie whisper beside me. We looked down the table to see the twins wide eyed covering their mouths. "We are so sorry...we ment to hit Allistor." They said. Allistor rolled his eyes, "why is it always me? You have another brother you know." He snapped. Our maamr burst out laughing at our taads irritated face. I snickered looking at Lily trying not to laugh and looked down and continued eating my food.

Allistor POV

After dinner, I gave the twins hell before going outside. I sighed and breathed in the cold air and sat down on a rock looking out at the lake a whiles away. I flinched hearing a small shriek behind me. I turned around and saw a woman on the ground with a basket of wood scattered. I jumped up and ran to her. "Are you alright?" I asked planing a hand on her back. She pushed herself up then looked at me surprised. "P-prince Allistor..." She muttered. "Yes, are you alright?" I asked again. "Y-yes I a-am." She said as she began to gather the scattered wood. I began helping her until we collected it all. "You didn't need to help me..." She said standing but never looking at me. I grinned and pulled her chin up to look at me. I was taken aback by her beautiful violet eyes looking up at me, shining beautiful from the moonlight. I looked at her skin, it looked soft and perfect. Her hair was a almost white and long. I took in every detail of her beautiful features. " was my pleasure." I said. "May I ask what you name is? Since you know mine." I said with a smile. "O-oh! My name is Luna..." She said, I saw a light dust of pink on her cheeks. "Where are you off too?" I asked. "I'm going home, to Dale." She said. "Allow me to accompany you. Such a beautiful woman shouldn't be walking alone." I said with a kind smile. She grinned and looked down, "I-i suppose I wouldn't mind the company." She said. We began walking, I carried her basket for her and talked a little bit. I learned she worked as a cook in the kitchen in Erebor. "Well, if it's any consolation you make brilliant food." I said. She grinned, "I mostly make the bread rolls. Have you had them?" She asked. "Well I've been hit by them many times." I said looking ahead. "Hit?" She asked. "Oh yes. The twins like to throw them at me during meals. Today they hit my father though." I laughed. "They hit King Thorin with a bread roll?!" She asked. I laughed, "yeah they hit him accidentally a lot though. So it was nothing new." I said as we approached a house. "Well, this is me." She said stopping at the door. "Here," I said handing her her basket. She bowed her head in thanks. "I...hope I see you again. Maybe I'll stop by the kitchen tomorrow." I said. She blushed and grinned tucking hair behind her ear. "I would like that...till then?" She asked. I nodded. "It was a pleasure meeting you Luna." I said taking her hand and kissing it. "A-as it was to meet you. Goodnight~" she said before going inside. "Goodnight..." I said looking at the door before turning around and beginning back towards Erebor. As I approached I saw my mother storming towards me. "Allistor Oakenshield!! I thought I told you you where not allowed to go into Dale without your father or I?!" She asked angrily. "I'm sorry, I was escorting a girl home." I said holding my hands up. My mother stopped and cocked her head, her ears pointed up in attention. "A girl? What?" She said smiling. "Yeah...she was walking home and I walked her there to ensure she was safe." I said walking past my mother. "Who is she!! What's her name?!" She asked excitedly. "I...I didn't catch her name." I said. "Oh...well that's a bummer. If you see her again get her name!" She said happily. I nodded before making my way up to my bedroom. I pulled off my shirt and sighed as I got into bed. 'She was stunning...' I thought to myself looking at the ceiling. "Why did you have to be a servant?" I groaned before rolling over and going to sleep.

The next morning I was woken up by small hands shaking me. "Alllliiiiisssstttttooooorrrrrr wake upppp" I heard Ashe's voice. I cracked my eyes open and turned to see her fully dressed with eager looking eyes. "Come on!!" She said smiling. "What? Why?" I groaned. "Your helping me look for that plant today remember??" She asked. "Oh...right. Alright. Let me get dressed." I said before shooing her out of my bedroom. I got up and quickly got dressed, armed myself with a sword and dagger just in case anything happened and met my sister down by the front entry way. As I was walking a certain head of white hair passed my vision. I turned around and saw Luna, hastily carrying eggs towards the kitchen, I felt my heart thump before something ran into me. I looked down and saw Ashe's smiling, grabbing my hand. "Come on!!!" She smiled. I grinned and looked back as she pulled me along. I glanced back once more to see Luna disappear into the kitchen.

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