What do you think

452 31 26

Hey! So, this isn't an actual chapter...I'm not feeling all that great so my minds like "lol I'm not gonna let you write!!!!"...my minds an ass. Anyways! I'm wondering what you all are thinking of the story so far and what you all want to happen? I'll probably update tomorrow if I'm not feeling like absolute hell, and I don't have my nurse yelling at me saying, "put your phone down its bad for you eyes!" "Eat your food!" "Stop calling me Nurse Kili!!!" (((I'm not even kidding...my nurse looks like Aidan Turner, but with long hair like Kili's and I almost fainted, I showed him Kili and he agreed.))) AnYwAyS, please sort of help me out by telling me what you think and what you hope will happen! :)

Melody_Claw~ 💙

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