Chapter 27: Whats wrong with the Dragons?

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Ashe POV

Thranduil had slowed his elk to a leisurely walk. He let me take the reins and steer. "What's that?" I asked trying to see over the elks tall head. Thranduil was tall enough to see over it, I wasn't. "What is what?" He asked. I groaned. "I weigh like nothing can I climb higher onto his neck?" I asked. Thranduil nodded, "just don't fall please." He said. I pulled the reins over my head and Thranduil took hold of them. I crawled careful up the elks neck and looked closer at what I was before. Suddenly his elk jolted its head, tossing me in the air. I shrieked before I landed, sitting in its left antler. It didn't seem swayed by the off weight at all. I sat up right and smiled at Thranduil. "I haven't seen him let anyone do that since Legolas was a child." He said. I giggled, "well, I don't know...maybe he likes me?" I asked. Thranduil grinned and nodded. "Now, what where you wanting to ask?" He asked. "Oh!!" I looked back towards what looked like walking trees. "Those! What are those?" I asked. "Ah, those are the Ents of the Fangorn Forest." He said. "Oh..." I said looking. "A little far from their territory though...odd." He said. I smiled, "this has been really fun~" I said. "Just hanging out with you!" I laughed. "Yes, I have actually had a lovely time." He said smiling. "We should do it more often" I said grinning. "Agreed." He said. I looked back and saw Talion chasing a rabbit across the plain. I watched him sprint until the rabbit dove down a hole and he slid doing a front tumble roll over the hole and back to his feet. I laughed loudly, clutching my stomach. "Smooth~" I mused. I pet the elks head and grinned, sitting criss cross in the antler. "I feel kinda bad putting pressure on only one antler." I said. "Then come back," Thranduil said scooting back. I crawled back under the reins and sat in front of him again. I was about to speak before I heard a loud uproar come from the direction of Erebor. "What was that?" Thranduil asked. "...dragons." I whispered. Something must have happened. I then noticed four dragons flying our way, as well as two chasing it. 'They're going to see me...' I thought. "Okay, if they see us and land...leave the talking to me and go along with whatever I say okay?" I said. Thranduil nodded, "alright." He said.

Scottie POV

I jolted up out of bed hearing yelling and crashes. " bloody hell is that?" I muttered to myself before I pulled my sword out from under my bed and walked out the door. As soo as I opened the door I heard dragons, horses, pigs, and goats loudly. "SSSSCCCCOOOOTTTTTTTTTIIIIIIEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!!" I heard Shaleh screamed as she ran down the hall towards me, tackling me. "What's going on?!?! I go back to bed for four hours and all hell breaks loose!!!!" I yelled. "It's the animals! They've gone wild!" She said. "Where's Damien, Allistor, Ashe, Phoenix, Liam, melody, and Lily???" I asked. " Melody, Liam, and Lily left this morning. Ashe is out riding Talion, Damien is down in the main entry keeping a fire barrier up to keep the animals from leaving, Allistor is trying to control the dragons and Phoenix fainted." She said. "What? Why?" I asked. "Oh, there was a small spider on the fall and she freaked." She replied. "Oh okay," I said before grabbing her wrist and running down to find Dwalin. "Lass!" I heard Bofur behind me. "Bofur! Where's Dwalin?" I asked. "I don't know, but we got all the pigs rallied." He said. "Good. Keep everyone away from the dragons, we will get them under control." I said, he nodded and pecked my cheeks before running off. I turned and looked at Shaleh seeing a cheeky grin on her face. "Sod off." I snapped before running towards the stables. "Why does this stuff always happen with ether one of both parents are gone?!" I yelled. "That's what I was wondering!" Shaleh yelled back as we slid around a corner quickly.

As we ran I saw Damien holding a focused fire wall blocking the front entrance. "How much longer can you keep that up??" I asked. He looked back, his forehead was sweating and his eyes where starting to glow red, which meant he was near the point where he could no longer control it. "Not much longer!" He yelled angrily. Suddenly a large herd of horses where stampeding towards us. "Shit!" I yelled before jumping onto a passing horse, which was mine. "The hell are you doing?" I asked the horse as he stopped. Suddenly all the horses slid to a stop as they approached the fire wall. "Scottie!!!" Damien yelled. "Damnit...break the wall!" I yelled. Damien dissolved the fire and fell to his knees. "Damien!" Shaleh yelled running to him. We looked at all the stopped animals around us, "why'd they stop?" Damien asked standing. "What on earth is going on?" We heard a familiar elderly voice. We all turned and looked at....two wizards. "RADAGAST! GANDALF!!!!" We yelled happily running to them. "We have no idea what's going on, to answer your question." I said. "Well, may I be of assistance? It would seem I had been already." Radagast said. "Yes! Go with Shaleh! Gandalf come with us!" Damien said. Radagast followed Shaleh back to the regular animals while Gandalf came with us to the dragon stable. Before we even got there we could see mixtures of cold and heat. "What's wrong with them?" Gandalf asked. "I have no idea I just woke up." I said. "It's five in the afternoon..." Gandalf said. I shrugged, "I don't get to sleep in very often." I said. Suddenly out of nowhere Lissoth, Lioth and Ladle, and Ethne burst out of the stable, full rage. Damien came running after them on Saders back. We watched as they flew out of the front entrance. "No!!!Ethne!!!!!" I screamed after my dragon. Suddenly Phoenix atop Maleth flew by. Allistor grabbed my wrist and pulled me on. I grabbed around his waist. Damien and Shaleh jumped on with Phoenix, only Damien took the front control. We flew out of the mountain after the three rouge dragons. "What the hell is going on??" I asked Allistor. "I have no idea, but we need to retrain them." He said. He had burn marks all over him. "How did you get Sader and Maleth?" I asked. "I restrained them with chains and they went back to normal." He said. I looked and saw they where flying towards Mirkwood. As I glanced down, we where flying relatively close to the ground. I saw a large elk...King Thranduils elk. As well as a white warg with a familiar saddle. I then noticed Thranduil and a all to memorable head of red hair sitting on the elk with him. "I-is that Ashe?!" I asked smacking Allistor's shoulder and pointing. "...I think it is..." He said. "Go down! We need all of us to get this problem solved! Sader dove and landed on the ground in front of them. I saw a shocked look. "Ashe! What are you doing?" I asked confused. I looked at the Elven King who stayed quiet. I also noticed my sisters clothes where wet. She dismounted. "It's seriously not what it looks like." She said. "Hah!" Phoenix laughed as Maleth landed. Damien and the twins got off. "It looks like your spending time with the king of the woodland realm. "Well, sort of. He was helping me get home!" She said. "How?" I asked. "Well, I was being stupid and handing out by a small lake nearby and fell in, however I didnt want to ride Talion all wet because it would have ruined the leather. Then Thranduil came across me and offered me a ride so I wouldn't have to walk the entire way." She said. I looked at the king, he nodded respectfully. "King Thranduil," I said dismounting, he did the same. I bowed and held my hand out. He bowed his head and shook my hand, "thank you for helping my sister." I said. "My pleasure." He said. I looked at Ashe, "we need you. Something's wrong with the dragons." I said. "What? What's wrong?" She asked. "We don't know, but we need to somehow restrain them to get them back to normal...we will figure out what happened later." I said. "Is there any way I could be of assistance?" Thranduil asked. I thought for a moment but said nothing. "Do you have iron chains and strong men in numerous numbers?" Phoenix spoke up. "Yes, I do." He replied. "Then you could defiantly help us." Phoenix said smiling. "We need you to get as many men as you can, preferably sixty men for each dragon, counting us. Then we will fly up, lower the dragons down, you all throw iron chains over and restrain them until we can get close enough to speak to them eye to eye." Phoenix said. "If we do that they will go back to normal, so when we fly up," Shaleh added. "Alright, I will gather my men." Thranduil said. "Can I go with Lord Thranduil to help him?" Ashe asked. "Yeah, go. You don't have a dragon so you flying with us will be no use." Allistor said. I nodded and got back on Sader. "Hurry! Please!" I yelled as we took off. I saw Ashe jump onto the elk and they sprinted into the forest, Talion chasing after them. "Strange that Thranduil would help her." I said. "I feel as though it was a friendly gesture. At least Ashe wasn't walking." Allistor replied. "I think it's kinda cute!" Shaleh laughed. "Yeah!" Phoenix agreed....then again they always did. "Damien?" I asked. "I don't really have an opinion on it, doesn't really matter to me. What matters is that." He said looking forward at the raging dragons ahead. "Right. Lets steer them to the ground." I said before Sader and Maleth burst forward at full speed.

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