Chapter 25: Engraving

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Above is Luna :3

Ashe POV

We raced down the hall, Phoenix had been caught by Bombur so now it was Damien and I who where left. I raced into the Armory and slid to a stop. I looked back to see Damien was no longer there. "Do you think he got caught Talion?" I asked him. We walked back through slowly to heard cheers of laughter. "Ye really thought ya could get away from me did ya?" Dwalin asked as his foot is on my brothers back holding him to the ground. I smirked. "Now to find your damn sister." He said. "Found me! And I will be cause peacefully if you ask nicely." I yelled and waved. He glared and began stomping forward. "Hahaha SYKE!" I laughed as Talion jumped over him and ran the other way. "Ashe!" My brother yelled holding his arm and hand. I grabbed him wrist as we ran past and he jumped on behind me. He held me tightly and laughed. We ran down the hall and slid to a stop by the open balcony gate. "It's really late isn't it?" I asked taking the straps off and dismounting. "Yeah," my brother said while yawning. "I'm going to bed, goodnight little sister~" he smiled. I laughed, "goodnight older brother~" I said back. He walked out of sight and I turned and looked out at the night sky, the city of Dale was lit up happily. It seemed as though they where having some kind of party. I then noticed Allistor was walking towards Erebor with an arm around Luna's shoulders. I grinned and said nothing. I looked out over the landscape, I could see, hardly, but slightly the forest of Mirkwood. "...maybe we should pay a surprise visit tomorrow after Melody, Liam and Lily leave." I muttered looking back at Talion. I panicked seeing him hunched over and beginning to hack. "Talion! Talion are you alright?!?!" I shrieked placing my hand on his back. Suddenly a wad of looked like vomit came out. I covered my nose. "Aw buddy...why'd you throw up?" I asked looking at it. He looked at me the down at the disgusting substance. I looked at it again cringing, though I then saw something mixed in. I nudged it around with a piece of stone I found nearby and realized it was one of Talion's teeth. " must have knocked it out when you side rammed the wall trying to get in front of Phoenix before." I said. I separated the tooth completely from the vomit and picked it up with my fingertips. "Ugh, gross." I muttered before beginning to walk. "This looks like one from the back of your jaw." I said examining it as I entered my room. I washed it off in the sink and got a better look. It was defiantly one of his teeth from the back. "Wait..." I whispered. "I-i can talk to you now!! I have a piece from you!!" J said smiling. He nodded his big fluffy head. "Wait did you throw it up on purpose?" I asked. He nodded ones again. I smiled widely and hugged Talion around the neck. I then cringed seeing how dirty his fur is. "Oh mahal you need a bath." I said. I ran water in the tub and began removing his saddle and bridal. It was a struggle to get him actually in the back but it happened sooner or later. "Alright, time make you not smell like a trolls butt." I said smiling. I dumped water over him and began washing his fur with soap. "You know...there's a cleaning place for animals in the stable." I heard Liam's voice behind me. I turned and saw Lily and Melody grinning at me. "N-no...I didn't." I said. "Well! No point in stoping now." Melody laughed before rolling up the sleeves of her shirt and grabbing soap, she began scrubbing the lowers half of Talions back. "So we wanted to talk to you about why Lily is coming with us." Melody said. "Why?" I asked. "Well you know at one point, taad is going to pass the throne down to Fili right?" Liam asked. I nodded, "yeah, I know." I said as I scrubbed behind Talions ears. "Well...we talked to Fili about how when he becomes king, we thought it would be in Erebor's best interest to form a strong alliance in Rivendell." Liam said. "Fili, and Lord Elrond agreed." Melody said. "That's wonderful!" I said smiling. "Yes, however Lord Elrond and Lady Galadriel said they want to meet, and teach all of us their customs...and just in general get to know who they are as people." Melody said. "Why?" I asked. "Since they are immortal, they will go through each of us being in power. They want to know who they would be dealing with in the far future." Liam said. "I suppose that actually makes sense." I said before I rinsed out Talioms fur. "Yes, so they've entrusted us, they've already met Allistor and approved him. So we are going to take Lily and they are going to meet her then you know...go down the line of siblings." Melody said. "So I'll get to go too?!" I asked excited. "Yes," Liam laughed. "You will too. Don't tell maamr and taad why we're actually going to Rivendell." Melody said. "Won't breath a word." I said. "Good. We just didn't want you to think we where just leaving you for no reason with less sisters." Liam said. I nodded, "alright. It's okay!" I smiled before grabbing a few towels and laying them on the ground as Talion stepped out. I towel dried his fur and looked at my brother and sister. "Oh! And Scottie said your training is canceled tomorrow." Liam said before they left. "Perfect~" I grinned.

Allistor POV

I walked quietly, my arm wrapped around Luna's delicate shoulders. She wasn't saying a single thing. "Are you alright?" I asked worried, she usually talks to me a lot. "Yeah...I'm alright." She said quietly, her voice was shaky slightly. "Well now I know your lying, please tell me my love." I said moving in front of her. "I don't want to go home..." She said looking at the ground. "Why?" I asked. "My parents, they've been doing nothing but fighting and screaming at each other...." She said. "Is that why you've been working all day instead of your normal shifts lately?" I asked. My heart ached to know my Luna was scared of going home. She nodded, "yes...I've been avoiding them as much as possible. I hate listening to them screaming at each other." She said, I saw a tear go down her cheek. "No, no don't cry." I said quickly wiping her tears away, she looked at me with her watery Violet eyes. "I have to go home though...I don't have anywhere to go." She whimpered. I panicked for a moment, not wanting her to have to go listen to her family fight. "Stay with me!" I said. She looked up at me shocked. "What?" She asked. I kissed her forehead gently, "stay with me tonight, I don't want you having to go home if your so against it." I said. Suddenly she hugged me around the next tightly. She was shaking, and i felt tears on my back. "Thank you so much Allistor!" She cried into my neck. "Of course, anything for you." I said hugging her lovingly. She let go and I walked her inside and to the kitchen before making her herbal tea to calm her crying. "Thank you," she said before taking sips. "It calms nerves," I said cleaning up. "How do you know?" She asked. "Well, when any of my sisters used to come into my room crying after a nightmare or something I made them tea so calm them down." I said. She smiled at me. "Your really sweet to your sisters." She said. "They mean a lot to me." I said simply before holding my hand out. She grabbed it and I led her to my bedroom. After letting her borrow one of my shirts she crawled into my bed. "It's so comfortable~" she giggled. I smiled a I changed out of my clothes and got into the bed beside her. "Yes, yes it is now come here!" I laughed before pulling to towards me. She laughed loudly as she hugged me tightly, resting her head on my chest. "Thank you for letting me stay with you." She said quietly. "I'm happy you's nice having you with me. A lot better than an empty bed." I said smiling down at her. She laughed. "Do you think your parents would allow this if they where here?" She asked. "Oh maHal, no way." I laughed. She giggled and pecked my lips. "I love you..." She said. I felt my stomach do flips for some reason. "I love you too Luna..." I said. She closed her eyes and began to fall asleep. "I....I love you too..." I whispered again before closing my eyes.

Ashe POV

I picked the tooth up off the bathroom counter and set it on the dresser beside my bed. I pulled back the blankets on my bed and laid down flat. I reached under my bed and grabbed my bow. I held it up and admired its intricate crafting. As I looked closer I noticed an engraving on the inside of one of the curls. It was elvish writing...though I couldn't understand it. "Melody knows elvish..." I said to myself before jumping out of my bed. Talion stood, "stay here!" I said before running to my sisters room. "Melody!!!!" I yelled. "AHH!" She shrieked and dropped the book in her hand. "Sorry...didn't mean to scare you." I said. "Whatever. What?" She asked. "Can you translate this for me." I said before showing the engraving on my bow. She looked at it closely. "Uh...where did you get this?" she asked. "I found it in a troll cave, but what does it says?" I asked. " says

"Crafted for the one who's beauty captivates all, and out shines the shimmering stars."

Huh, whoever made this bow gave it someone they truly admired." She said. I took the bow back, "y-yeah...I suppose they do." I said taking the bow back and walking back to my room. "Why would he put that on my bow..." I muttered. I sighed, "well I I guess I'll bring this up tomorrow when I visit him." I said before putting the bow back under the bed and rolling over quickly falling asleep.

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