Chapter 32: Decisions

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Allistor POV

I sat quietly, my hands on my head, seven empty bottles of wine in front of me. "I don't know what I'm supposed to do...this isn't right keeping this away from my parents." I whispered to myself. I felt my heart hurt for my sweet baby sister, who had found her first love. I know it isn't real...its an adventure. She's feeling things she hasn't felt before, being spoken to in way she hasn't. She's interested in what is going on, she's not in love. She's interested...and Thranduil. I do not believe he loves her. Elves can only love once, and he had his wife. There is absolutely no way he feels the same way about my sister as the way he felt about the woman who bared his child. Added on that she is maybe a fraction of his age. This wasn't right, he was playing with her heart...and the last thing I want to see is any of my sisters crying from a broken heart. I sighed and stood before grabbing another bottle and opening it up, I flinched at the lightning cracking outside. "Ugh. Shut up." I snapped as I began to drink. "Are you troubled Prince Allistor?" I heard a voice behind me. I looked over my shoulder and saw a red-haired elf woman. "Oh, your Tauriel aren't you?" I asked. "Yes, I am." She said before taking the wine bottle out of my hand. "What where you talking about before?" She asked. "What do you mean?" I asked, a little irritated by the unwanted company. " what isn't right to keep from your parents?" She asked. I rolled my eyes, "I don't think that's really your buisness." I snapped. "Hmph, well then don't suck down all of our wine over your self pity party." She snapped turning around and walking out of the room. I grinned my teeth. "If you weren't a girl...I swear." I growled under my breath and downed another bottle. I stood and grabbed another, "don't suck down the wine~" I mocked in her voice, "yeah fuck you." I snapped opening it and sitting back down, "okay...last one." I said.

Tygr PoV

I sat quietly in Bilbo's armchair. He had gone to bed, I went to bed with Thorin....but I couldn't sleep. I sighed and held my cup of tea close to me. I stared at the fire I started and took small sips. I pulled my knees to my chest, my feet on the chair. I had pulled on one of Thorin's sweaters he rarely was big and cosy. I sighed and leaned my head back. I was worried about my was I to know if their alright? I know from raising Allistor that he will probably take full responsibility and trouble himself about it day and night. I was pulled out of my thoughts as two strong warms hands began massaging my shoulders. I closed my eyes and grinned, I knew it was Thorin, I could see his wedding ring. "I remember when we first met," he said. I grinned and listened to his husky voice. "I remember coming in here and seeing you as a puppy sleeping in this chair, then sitting on the couch." He said. I chuckled, "I remember you hitting me with a smoke ring." I purred. "And I remember you falling asleep on my lap, then getting flustered and running out of the room when you woke up." He said in my ear. My eyes shot open and I blushed. "You said we'd never mention that!" I squeaked. He laughed and came around, kneeling down in front of me. He placed a hand on my bare calf. "Why weren't you in bed?" He asked rubbing his thumb. I reached forward and tucked hair behind his ear. "I couldn't sleep." I said quietly. "Why?" He asked. I shrugged and offered him some of my tea, he took a drink waiting for my answer. "I'm not sure, I guess I have a lot on my mind." I said. He handed me back the was empty. "Really?" I asked with a smirk. "I'll get you some." I said standing and getting myself, and my husband some tea. I brought it back and he was sitting on the couch. I handed it to him and sat beside, curling up beside him. He took the tea and pulled my legs up, my feet where nestled between his thighs, his arm around my shoulder. "What's on your mind?" He asked me. "I don't really know...I guess I'm just worried about the kids." I said. "Why?" He asked. "I don't know...motherly worry I guess." I said softly resting my head against his shoulder. "Do you ever just get worried about them?" I asked looking up at him. He sighed, "I worry about the twins...a lot..." He said. I laughed, "yeah me too. Their smart though...dumb on occasion, act before thinking, and have a habit of taking on tasks to big for them." I said. "But," Thorin said setting his tea down. "They are also a wonderful team, always have eachOther's back, will defend eachOther and their loved ones till their lungs burst, and never fail to lighten the mood." He said. I giggled and nodded, "that is true." I said. I downed my tea and Thorin set the tea aside. "I see you two got into my tea!" We heard Bilbo yell from the kitchen. We looked at eachOther with a grin. "Yeah, sorry!" I said. "It's quiet alright," Bilbo said coming on with his own cup of tea, sitting in his armchair. He grinned at us and sipped his tea. "Can't sleep?" I asked. He shook his head, "no not really, not sure why." He said. I grinned, "I remember when we where on that journey you rarely slept the first month." I said. Bilbo nodded, "well I had Fili and Kili pestering me about how orcs where going to kill us!!" He said. I let out a laugh, Thorin grinned. "But you didn't did you?" He asked. Bilbo grinned and shook his head. He then looked at us. "What?" I asked. "You two. I'm amazed." He said. "Why?" I asked. "After all you two have been through together, added on with running a kingdom and raising nine two still love eachOther like when you first met." He said. I smiled and hugged Thorin. "I have no idea~ but I'm not complaining." Thorin said squeezing my waist. Bilbo smiled and stood, "well, I am going back to bed. If you two...uh...get frisky just try to keep it down, I have neighbors." He said. "What?? How do you know we're loud??" I asked. "Not Thorin, it's you people can hear." He said with a grin. I gasped and looked at Thorin, "he isn't wrong my love." Thorin said with a grin. "I...I...its your fault!!!" I said standing to go to the kitchen. As I walked by him, Thorin smacked my ass hard, "it better be my fault. And only my fault." He said. I laughed and shook my head. I walked into the kitchen and grabbed two muffins Bilbo had made earlier. As i re entered the room I chucked a muffin at Thorins face. "Agh! Why?!" He laughed dusting crumbs off his beard. "Cause I can~" I laughed as I ate mine quickly. Thorin grinned at me and ate his. It was so nice to see my husband like this, so relaxed and content. Not a single worry. His eyes where brighter, his smile was wider, his gaze when he looked at me was filled with love. My gaze was met by his and he looked at me confused, "do...I still have muffin on my beard?" He asked dusting his beard again. I laughed and shook my head before walking to him and pulling him off the couch. I looked up at him. "You seem to be happier lately." I said softly. He smiled and kissed just behind my ear on my sweet spot. I shivered in delighting and giggled. "I am~ I love just being with my beautiful wife, in a comfortable home. No responsibilities or having to worry about the kids, or being a king...just us." He said. I smiled, "yeah, I love it too. It's sort of like when we where traveling to Erebor...even though we where on a tight schedule but it was still just us." I said. He grinned as he pulled my long braid he gave me when he first courted me over my shoulder. He redid that braid every time I had to take it out. He wouldn't let me do it. "As much as I love our kids, they mean the world to me...I wish it could be us again....maybe still with Ashe since she seems to be the least complicated." He said. Suddenly...and idea popped into my head. "Thorin!! This is insane okay?! It's crazy." I said. "A lot of the things you say are. Go ahead?" He said. Scowled at his comment then shook it off. "Okay bare with've been king for decades now...don't you may be high time you passed down the throne?" I asked. He looked at me shocked, "well I mean I suppose...I could consider it." He said. I smiled, "and we could get a house here!! In the Shire! Oh Thorin...just imagine it!" I said holding onto his shoulders. I smirked, after being married to this irresistible dwarf...I know what he's thinking...and right now he's thinking of sex. "You know I'm not meaning to eavesdrop," we heard Bilbo behind us. We turned and looked at the hobbit who had an empty teacup. "But actually a very few very nice homes just down just road from me just went up for sale. I've been in them many times, any of them would be perfect for you two of your thinking of following through with this." He said. I looked at Thorin, my tail swaying back and forth happily, "can we go look at them tomorrow?!?!" I asked excited. "Alright, yes. We can. I love the idea of living in the Shire with you...however what I don't like if the idea of passing down the throne...or leaving our children." He said. I nodded, I fully agreed with him. I groaned and pressed my forehead to his chest. "Ugh, I like the shire though!" I groaned. He chuckled and petted my hair. "I do too my love, we will think about it, think it through thoroughly before taking any actions." He said. I nodded looking up at him, I flatted my ears and gave him puppy dog eyes, "but...we can still go look at the homes tomorrow can't we?" I asked. He smiled and kissed my temple. "Of course my love." He said. I squealed happily and hugged my husband tightly. Suddenly he lifted me up into his arms bridal style. "I'm tired so I'm going to bed. And your coming with me." He said. I laughed as he tossed me onto the bed. He stripped himself to his boxers and crawled onto the bed beside me. I instantly clung to his warm body, his arm wrapped around me with my leg draped over one of his. "Goodnight my love," he said. I kissed his cheek, "goodnight~" I said before curling up against him and quickly falling asleep.

Phoenix PoV

"Maybe we should hide this." I said looking at the box on the edge of my bed. "What? Where?" Shaleh asked from the bathroom. "I don't know. I just don't think it's such a great Idea to keep it out in the open." I said. "...shove it under your bed or something and cover it with a blanket." She said. I nodded and did as told, I hid it under various dirty clothes we never wear anymore. "Hey have you noticed something?" Shaleh said. "What?" I asked. "Everything goes to shit when our parents leave, like seriously every time." She said. "Yeah...yeah I noticed that. It's actually only when taad leaves." I said. "That is true." She said coming back into our room. "You hide it?" She asked. "Yup." I said flinging myself onto my bed. "What is someone finds it?" She asked. "Uh...then we deny everything." I said. "Perfect plan." She said. Shaleh shut off the lights and made her way to her bed. I burst out laughing when I heard her trip and fall to the floor. "screw you!!!" She snapped throwing my boot at me. "Damn, goodnight to you too!" I laughed throwing it back.

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