Chapter 2: Camping?

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Phoenix POV

I went back up into my shared room with Shaleh. "So, I was thinking." She said beside me as we entered the room. "Yeah?" I asked opening our chest full of fireworks we...acquired from Gandalf and a man in Bree. "Why don't we make this little firework trip with everyone a camping trip? We could go to that huge cliff that mom told us the Eagles took them too after taad almost died!" She said. I looked back at my brilliant other half. "That's genius! you think taad and maamr will let us go that far....bringing Ashe with us and all?" I asked. Shaleh shrugged. "We don't have to tell them how far we're going...and if they ask...okay what harm could possibly come to her?! She had us, Lily, Allistor and Damien! And Scotties an entire army wrapped up in one little redhead what could possibly happen! That and we'll have dragons." She argued. I nodded, "hm...I suppose that's true. Maybe...we could bring Kili and Fili with us. You know to win taad over but still have people who are willing to have fun?" I said. "Well use them if needed, I kind of just want to spend time with our know?" She asked. I glanced back at her, to see her handing upside down from her bed. "Haha gross, you wanna spend time with Allistor and Damien?" I snickered. "They aren't that bad and you know it!" She said throwing a shoe at me. I smiled and nodded, thinking about my brothers. To be completely honest I loved my brothers. Allistor was tough and brawny, with battle scars here and there from fighting along side our dad in the past, added on with his various tattoos, and Damien. Damien was just a kind man, took after our fathers gentlemanly side. He gained the ability to use fire magic because Shaleh and I dared him to drink a potion that had fallen out of Gandalf's robe. Turning his eyes red and giving him an intimidating look. Our other brother Liam, he was brilliant, an amazing fighter and a kind man. No doubt about that. "Alright, I guess I can understand that. Let's go ask their opinion." I said standing, locking our firework chest again.

We walked down the hall to Allistor's room. We knocked and heard his masculine voice. We opened and saw him sharpening the knives our mother had gotten him when she had to go to Isengard for business a few years ago. On the foot of his head was Lily in baby wolf form. "Hey~ we have a question." I said. Lily raised her head to look at us. "Yes?" Allistor asked not looking up at us. "We where thinking about makin our little trip tonight into a camping trip. You know, get out of Erebor for a night?" I said. Allistor looked at me then Lily. "I have no problem with that." He said, Lily formed back into a girl, "nether do I! Sounds fun~" she said with a smile. "Awesome! Do you think Damien and Scottie would like it?" Shaleh asked. "I'm sure Scottie will take any chance at doing something where she may get the chance to kill something." Allistor chuckled. Shaleh and I sighed at the same time, "probably, as would Damien." We said simultaneously. Lily cringed, "that's so creepy when you guys to that." She said. I laughed and tugged my sister with me out the door, "start packing!" I said as we made our way to Scottie's room. Inside we saw her sleeping like a rock with a small line of drool on her pillow. I smacked her cheek and backed away quickly as she jumped up with a dagger in her hand. "Mahal woman! Do you ever not have a weapon?!" I yelled clinging to Shaleh. "Nope." She said hopping off her bed, putting the dagger back under her pillow. "Well...anyways. Would you be okay with our trip tonight being a camping trip?" I asked. "Yeah I'm cool with that." She said before grabbing a bag off the floor. We smiled and left to see Damien. We poked our head through the door. "Hey!" We yelled gaining his attention. He looked back at us, "camping?" We asked simultaneously. He shot us a thumbs up and we returned it. "FABULOUS NOW, TO THE BIRTHGIVERS!" We yelled before running down the hall toward the throne room.

We formed into our fox forms and slid through various halls and secret tunnels we had made throughout the years. We found ourself finally finding the right one we used to spy on business meetings out father had from time to time in the throne room. We got out quietly and heard a feminine was our mother. We walked around on ether side of the Throne and widened our eyes. There sat our father with out mother on his lap...suggestively. "Um...should we be expecting another sibling any time soon?" I asked with a smirk. Our mother rolled her eyes and got off his lap. "I'm not saying yes, but I'm not saying no. What do you two want?" She asked moving and sitting on the arm of the throne. "Weeeeelllllll we where wondering if we our little firework trip could be a camping one?" I asked with a smiled. "Yeah! I mean nothing will happen!" Shaleh said. My mother shrugged, "I suppose I don't have a problem with it as long as you all arm yourselves...can never be too careful. Thorin?" She asked. "Where will you be camping?" He asked. "Well...we don't know that yet...we where just planning to find a suitable spot for fireworks." I said. "...don't go too far and watch over Ashe." He said. I smiled and nodded, "completely understo-" I was cut off by our father stepping infront of us, grabbing is both by our shoulders. "I mean it, you let a hair on my little girls head get cut and I'll shave yours off." He said. I grinned and looked at Shaleh. "Remember when we where your little girls? What about us?" I asked. "Well your not now, your my brave reckless girls. When you where young I threatened Allistor, Damien and Melody about you two." He said. We smiled at the mention of our sister. She was the one who taught us how to fight. "I miss Melody..." I heard Shaleh whisper. I nodded in agreement. "We all miss her, don't doubt that for a moment. Now, go you only have so much time before nightfall." He said standing back up straight. "Well then we will be on our way!" we said simultaneously. Our father gave us an odd look. "It's creepy when you two do that." He said. We laughed and ran off back to our room. "MEET IN THE STABLES WHEN YOUR PACKED!!" We yelled as we ran past our siblings bedrooms. We quickly threw clothes into bags and grabbed our swords our father had given us when we finished our training. "Well I'm ready." Shaleh said. "same, let's get to the stables. We need to saddle up Lissoth and Lioth." I said. She nodded and grabbed the bag I filled with fireworks. "Matches?" She asked. "Naw we got Damien we're fine." I said before closing the door and locking it. We made our way down to the stable, saying hello to those we pass.

"Hey Lioth~ ready to go flying?" Shaleh said unlocking her dragons stall. I heard him roar happily. "Liss, wake up!" I said laughing seeing my big red dragon peak his eye open. I unlocked the stall and scratched his head. "Come on now, stand up I can't get this saddle on you while you lye around like a lazy cow." I groaned pulling her up.

Allistor POV

I walked down to the stable with my back strapped to my back. As I neared the stable I could already hear the delighted chit chat between my twin sisters. As much as I loved them, I was slightly jealous. They always had each other...and they always would. See Phoenix and Shaleh had an unbelievably strong bond between them. Even stronger than the bond between my parents in my opinion. Though I had a close relationship with my brother we where never as close as the twins. "Hey, I saw Scottie finishing packing. She should be down soon." I said entering. I could see their fox ears peaking over the top of the stall walls. "Okay! Get Sader ready. Dad said we need to leave soon." Shaleh said. I tossed my back and walked to a stone door before pushing it open, a wave of heat greeting me. I huffed down downward. This was where we kept Damien and I's dragon's Sader and Maleth. We found them when we where but wee lads. We found their eggs as the bottom of our mines. When we asked our mother what they where she smiled wider than I've ever seen before and went on and on about dragons. Our dad decided to make us a separate stable to allow them to be housed in the Necessary temperature. "Hello Sader," I said smiling at my strong black dragon. He was a handsome one. I begun to saddle him when I heard my brothers footsteps. "Hey do you want Ashe riding with you?" He asked. I nodded, "yeah, I got a death threat from taad on my way down here." I said with a grin. "Me too, I don't understand why he's so protective of her. I mean I do...he was protective of us all at her age but it's a little excessive with Ashe." Damien said as he begun to get Maleth saddled. "Well, she is smaller than we ever where...and doesn't catch on to defending herself as fast at Melody or Scottie did. Also she doesn't always have someone with her like the twins did." I said. Damien nodded, "I guess that makes sense." He said. We could hear Scottie and Lily come in because we heard them singing a song that Bofur had taught us. Scottie and Lily had who dragons that became attached to them when they where very young. Two water/woodland dragons. Our mother told us that their father Tidel died trying to drown Smaug. There where three of them, sadly the middle died of an illness...leaving the eldest and his youngest sister Ladel. Ladel loved Lily the second she saw her and Ethne became attached to Scotties fiery temper and wild warrior attitude. "Allistor!" I heard my fathers loud voice. I jogged up the stairs and saw my father with my youngest sister holding his hand. "She's riding with you yes?" He asked. I smiled and lifted Ashe over my shoulder. "Of course, I would never put her in the danger that is letting her ride with my siblings." I laughed. "Hey! We are excellent riders!!" The twins yelled. Thorin cracked a grin and nodded, "good. I expect you all back by noon tomorrow. Phoenix, Shaleh you two need your rest tomorrow. I'm taking you two to Mirkwood with me." He said, I saw the twins faces smile and nodded. "We shall sleep all day tomorrow!" They said. Thorin nodded and looked at Ashe, "be careful my love." He said kissing her forehead. He did the same with Lily, Scottie and the twins, then nodded to Damien and I. "Have fun." He said before leaving the stables. I looked at Ashe and smiled. "Ready to go camping with your brothers and sisters?" I asked carring her back down into Sader and Maleth's room. "Are we going to die? Because whenever we do this we always get put in situations like that." She said with a grin. "No that's usually Scottie or the twins who do that to themselves." I said as I set her on Saders back before climbing on myself. I strapped two letter straps over each on her thighs tightly ensuring she would not fall, as well she her holding onto the handles I put on my saddle for her. I held Saders reins in my hands before guiding him outside, followed by Damien. We glided out to the beach and met the girls since Damien and I had a different exit than they did. "Ready to go!" I yelled as my dragon landed. He was easily the biggest, slightly bigger than Echo. "Wait! Is everyone armed? Maamr wants us all armed." Phoenix said holding up her sword along with Shaleh. Scottie held up her bow and sword. I also spotted six throwing knives in her saddle. Lily held up her axe and Damien his. I pulled out my sword and handed Ashe a dagger. "Alright...let's go! Nix, Leh you two lead the way!" I yelled. "LETS GOOOOO!" The twins cheered as they took off into the sky, followed by the rest of us.

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