Chapter 10: Facing Fears

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Scottie POV

I watched my sister lean against the wall as my dad left. "He can't be that scary..." I said looking at her. "He was massive...and hairy. I don't know...he smelled like a bear and looks like one." She said, her voice was raw like she was crying but on the inside. "If he's anything like mom...I can promise he won't hurt you." I said with a smile. She looked up at me and took a deep breath. "Alright...will you come with me to apologize to him for running away?" She asked. I laughed, "of course," I said holding my hand out. She took my hand and we walked down the hall. Since she gained more animal senses than the rest of us, like our mom...she could smell from miles away. I watched her nose twitch and her breath hitch. "Hey, don't worry. It'll be fine." I said, hoping it actually would be. We we neared the main entrance we found Bofur. "Mr. Bofur! Where's our mom?" I asked. "Their over by the house!" I nodded. "The house" was a nice house our father build for our mom because she missed having a house that let in sunlight. I grinned as we left for the house though found no one when we got there. "Wha? Where are they?" I asked. Suddenly we heard the twins laughing. We also heard a loud pounding sound and the ground slightly shaking. We spun around and Lily screamed. Coming towards us at full speed was a beast that looked like a bear, but was twice as big. Lily suddenly sprinted for the entrance of Erebor. Though when taad came out she ran right into him. He tried to hold her back and get her to calm down but she was in hysterics and maneuvered her way out of his grasp screaming. "Oh no..." I muttered. I looked back and saw Beorn had formed back into a man and looked confused. "Did I do something?" He asked. I patted his arm, "not much, just mortified a young girl." I said. I heard the twins snicker, only to hear them yelp in pain from my father smacking them in the back of the head. "You two should be ashamed, laughing at your sister like that." He growled before storming back into Erebor.

Lily POV

I sat on the edge of my bed, with a lump in my throat. 'Taad must think I'm so weak' I thought in my head. I closed my eyes and felt tears slip down my cheeks. I placed my face in my hands and felt my breathing become uneasy. I heard my door open, and heavy footsteps. "Lily..." I heard my fathers low voice. I shook my head but never looked up. "Can I not join the family for dinner?" I choked out. "No, you need to eat dinner with us." He said. He kneeled down on his knees infront of me and grabbed my shoulders. "I hate seeing my beautiful children cry..." I heard him say. I pulled my hands away and looked into my fathers eyes, they where just like mine...and my sister Melody's. "You know, I always admired you and Melody....I see myself in you two." He said. "I mean, I see myself in all my children...I did make all of you." He said. I let out a light laugh and wiped my eyes. "But you and Melody...remind me of myself in ways the others don't. In Melody I see my way of thought process and my ways of handling responsibly and taking charge." He said. I looked my father, my eyes beginning to water once again as I tried to find his point. "But in you...I see my heart, and my emotions and my temper and compassion. I see how you care for people though you may not show it much. I can tell your trying to hide your fears...and for that I'm proud of you, but what I don't want you to do is run from them." He said. I sniffed and wiped my eyes. "I don't want to see my daughter run from her fears. Your so much like your mother trying to play it strong and keeping your emotions inside..." He asked. I looked at the ground, holding my tail in my hands. "Did you know your maamr was afraid of water? Even though she knew how to swim?" He asked. I was shocked honestly. "N-no..." He stood and I scooted over as he sat beside me on the bed. "Well, when we we where on our journey to reclaim our journey to Erebor I had to encounter her and that fear..."

*flashback time (((this is before Tygr and Thorin where like...officially a thing, their still at friend point)))*

Thorin POV

I glared at the map in front of me, this was the third time our path has been wrong. I looked up and saw the sun was near setting. "Thorin..." Tygr yawned and came to my side. "What?" I snapped looking at the map. "We should probably stop for the night." She said. "No! We need to continue!" I argued. "Thorin! Look at everyone! Bombur, Nori and Ori about to pass out. Balin, Bilbo, Bifur, Dori, Oin and Gloin haven't said a single word for the last two hours because their main focus is to not trip over anything, and keep up with you. Poor Kili is trying not to fall asleep while standing at this very moment, and Fili looks mentally absent. And Bofur hasn't smiled or made any jokes, and Dwalin has given up carrying his axe! He's dragging it! Oh, and I'm pretty sure Gandalf bailed to go sleep!" She said pointing everyone out. "And you sir are getting pissy and irritable. So we need to stop for camp!" She argued back poking me in the chest. I rolled my eyes and nodded, " would probably be a good idea." I said. "Good. May I lead us? Because you obviously don't know where your going at the moment." She snapped. I nodded, not even wanting to argue with the feisty girl at this point.

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