Chapter 52

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As soon as I got to the arena, I texted Paige letting her know I made it. The guilt was starting to kick in. I did say some things a fiancé shouldn't say. I kind of told her I was tired of looking at her, i didn't include her in my plans, and I just didn't overall think about how she would feel.

"Caitlin! He needs your ticket." Lexie said yelling to get my attention

"oh. Sorry." I said handing it to him.

"You good chile? You are totally out of it." Grace said laughing.

"Yea, I'm just worried about Paige a little." I said being totally honest.

"why?" Erica asked me.

"I didn't ask her if she wanted to come to the game with me, and she felt some kind of way about it. But I've seen her 3 straight days like all we did was look at each other." I said taking my seat.

"I don't blame her though CC. She just wants to spend time with you." Kelsey said.

"I know, and I kind of sort of told her I was tired of looking at her." I added not wanting to look at them.

"now that is outrageous. CC yall live together. You gone see her forever and ever and eeer more when yall are married." Katie Lou said to me.

"I know and I didn't actually mean it when I said it, I just got frustrated because she always feels like she needs to be included in my plans. Like yall, she's so clingy." I said to them trying to get them to understand.

"do yall know how bad it's gonna look for all of us to be out without her and she's a member of the team?" Grace said putting her phone down.

"I blame CC. She told her she was tired of looking at her." Erica said. She wasn't kidding.

"you aren't helping." Caitlin said laughing

"on a serious note though guys, I feel so bad. She's home alone, probably bored, not doing anything. She was wedding planning all by herself and I told her make her own friends. And all of a sudden she was like, ok well go. Be with your friends have fun and don't worry about me."

"that totally means she's not okay with it and you hurt her feelings." Katie Lou said.

"I know that now. Guys I'm gonna try to get ahold of her, I'll be back." I said walking to lobby of the arena.

Seeing that Caitlin is trying to call me, I ignored it. Besides I'm on the phone with Azzi and she's more important right now. She took the time out of her day to talk to me and do a virtual bestie date with me so I'm not gonna hang up on her for the person who left me out.

"what's that?" Azzi asked me.

"oh, Caitlin's calling." I said brushing it off.

"you should answer her, just call me back." Azzi suggested.

"why would I? She wouldn't have to call if she wouldn't have left me. True or right?" I asked her.

"Paige you're about to get married to here. If you guys can't put away differences for a little matter like this, the marriage isn't gonna work." Azzi said making reason.

"I guess you're right. Ima call you after this okay?" I said to her.

"Okay." Azzi said smiling.

I really want to attend the wedding so I got to protect it at all cost, besides they are made for each other, otherwise they would have never found their way back to each other.

Caitlin 💋
The amount of times I've called Paige makes no sense. I hope she's okay. Now I just want to go home. I miss her. I started my walk back into the game when Paige finally called back .

"why didn't you answer my call? Paige I was worried sick dude." I said kind of frustrated.

"you wouldn't have to call if you would've let me go." She reasoned.

"anyways what you call me for mama?" She said on the other line.

I love how she still calls me cute names even if she's mad at me. We locked in 5life.

"I miss you ma. I'm sorry I didn't include you in my plans, and saying I'm tired of looking at you, and telling you to make your own friends because I know you just wants to hang out with me. I love you mamas" I said confessing how I felt.

"it's okay, I knew you were tender, I knew you'd feel bad and the guilt would ruin your fun so it's fine. And. I love you too ma." She said blowing me a kiss.

"what have you been doing at home?" I asked her.

"a virtual best friend date with Azzi. We were watching the bee movie." She said. She's so adorable.

"aw you're the cutest baby. Anyways I'll be home soon, be safe and I love you." I said wrapping up the phone call.

"I will and you be safe too, I love you too." She said smiling in the camera.

"do you want me to bring you something home to eat?"

"oh I'm good, I've been eating snacks with Azzi." She said propping her phone up.

"and by snacks, you mean like, different flavors of trufru?" I asked her laughing.

"you know it. She said laughing.

We hung up the phone and I went back into the game. The weights of guilt were lifted off of my shoulders.

"you guys good? You're cheesing it up." Katie Lou said laughing.

"of course."

"we have some apologizing to her to do. We did leave her out. We didn't ask her if she wanted to come, I can't imagine how she might feel being left out." Erica said. She was always about making the rooks feel at home and she didn't do her job right today.

"I'm with you when you're right." Kelsey said agreeing.

"She's fine, she's doing a virtual date with Azzi. They're watching the bee movie." I said smiling.

"I love when she lets her inner kid win." Erica said as we all laughed and continued watching the game.

Let me know what you guys think 💕! Please go read my other books! Even if you think you might not like it, I just want you guys to give them a try! That's all I ask!💜

double dribble hearts ~ Caitlin Clark & Paige bueckers 🔗Where stories live. Discover now