Chapter 3

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I heard a knock on the hotel room door, I looked at myself in the mirror making sure I looked good and then went to answer the door.

"hey you" I said looking at Caitlin, and hugging her.

"Heyy" she said hugging back, "I just wanted to make sure there was no bad blood about the call at the end of the game today and the results and stuff ". She added.

"No bad blood, what was meant for us would've found its way to us" she said.

"You ready, Caitlin said looking into my eyes.

"I'm ready".

The eye contact was intense, and anybody who knows Paige knows eye contact is one of her strongest traits and tactics.

I broke eye contact with a smile. "Let's go I said as we went hand in hand to my car."

"my teammates totally took it and ran with it when I told them about us going out to catch up". Paige said looking out her window.

"Same", she said driving off, they always do that though, they never expect me to date for some reason". I said with a smile on my face.

"They thought me and you were going on a date"? She asked with a big smile on her face.

"yea, I hope that doesn't make you uncomfortable ". I said stretching my neck.

"It doesn't! I promise! It's super cute though, I've never been on a date as bad as I've wanted to".

"you're so pretty Paige." I said looking in her eyes and back at the road and biting my lip.

"Awe thank you", it really means a lot". She said moving her hair out her face.

did I actually say that out loud? Caitlin said.

"you did, but it's okay, it was adorable". I said placing my hand on Caitlin's lap.

my face literally turned tamato red, when she put her hand on my thigh. I was tryna hide it but she seen it anyways.

"awe are you blushing?" She asked me with a big smile on her face.

"no I am not, I'm just hot" I quickly made up the lie as I came to a line of traffic.

"awe poor baby", she said touching my face and turning on the air, is that better"? She said moving my hair out of my face.

"Umm yea much better, thank you". So what's your plans after college? I asked

"umm, well obviously I wanna go to the W. but also give back to the community you know"?

you're so sweet, I said placing my hand under Paige's chin.

"no you are". she said as we watched the traffic start back up.

"so umm, we are 2 minutes approximately from the beach!"

"yayyy." "Are we gonna be there alone?" Paige asked concerned.

"yea I'm pretty sure, but it's okay because no paparazzi will be able to take pictures." I said parking my car and getting out to open Paige's door.

Paige 💎
Caitlin is literally the sweetest ever. She compliments me and makes me smile, I feel like, she's my one. I love her.

"are we eating"? I asked

"of course, I wouldn't let you starve love". Caitlin said smiling.

We ate and had conversations, caught up and laughed.

"Imma clean this up and then we can walk", Caitlin said.

Well I'm not gonna make you clean this all by yourself baby. I said making eye contact.

"thank you", she said as she held the trash bag open.

after we cleaned, we sanitized our hands and walked.

"Paige, I really enjoyed being out with you tonight, this was a night I never knew I needed."

"I enjoyed being out with you, you're literally the sweetest ever, you made sure I was comfortable. and I love you for that". I grabbed her hand as we were walking.

"Paige" we stopped in the middle of the beach.

"what is it cait?"

she leaned in and kissed me. A long soft and passionate kiss, she rubbed my neck and stroked my hair.

I broke the kiss. "Caitlin", I-i don't know what to say. I mean, this is just one night. if we're gonna do this, it has to last.

" I'm sorry I shouldn't have done that", Caitlin said looking down.

"no baby, it's okay, I just, I want it to last, I don't have days to waste. Promise me this is forever cait, that's all I want."

"I can't, I want it to last too, Paige I want you. You're the only girl I want. you're beautiful and kind. you're the best thing that's ever happened to me. but you're staying in college, with us all over the place, I don't see this working out forever, but I see it working as long as it can work". Caitlin said coping my face.

and all I can ask is that we try, Caitlin, it's you, it's always been you. please. try for me, she said kissing my forehead and neck.

"O-Okay baby, I'll try it for you". I said grabbing her face and pecking her lips. As we continued our walk on the beach.

I know what my life has been missing all this time. I'm so glad I found her, I don't want to move too fast though. I feel like we're tryna rush things. I Know, I want Paige, and I want her all for myself but I don't wanna force it.

Are we moving to fast guys? Let me know down in the comments and I'll slow it down! thank you guys for the loving support!!💕 I'm really motivated because I have a group of readers right now and it doesn't stop there I hope! Stay blessed

double dribble hearts ~ Caitlin Clark & Paige bueckers 🔗Where stories live. Discover now