Chapter 40

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I got hungry so we ended up going to the concession stand to get food. The line was so long.

"I feel like we should all give Paige our money and she should cut the line." Azzi said.

"what makes you think I have the ability to cut the line?" I said laughing.

"you're literally Paige Bueckers, everyone loves you, they're gonna let you go." ice said agreeing with Azzi.

"that's not fair guys we're going to have to wait like the rest of everyone." Paige said looking at her phone.

It's halftime, and we're in the locker room, we listened to coach rant and we ranted to each other about the things we didn't like.

"Caitlin you popping off!! whatever making you do that give me some." Lexi said laughing.

"Is it Paige?" Grace asked but she was just joking.

"honestly, I think it is, she was like a breath of fresh air when I seen her, she was smiling and laughing when I see her, and her smile is so contagious." I said shrugging my shoulders.

"uh-oh, w got the locker girl back." Grace said.

"do you guys think I would be making a mistake if I talked to her after the game?" I asked them

"It's it really what you want to do? because if it is, then of course it's not a mistake." Lexi said to me.

"right well support you no matter what, because we want the happiest version of you." Erica said drinking her water.

"I say go for it. But what made you realize you wanted too though?" Aliyah asked.

"her presence, and I thought I was over loving her and that I would just brush her off when I seen her but I can't, and a really wise person told me love finds it way back to each other." I said smiling.

"AWWWW" I heard all my teammates say.

"you guys are so cringy." I said laughing.

"enough of the sappy stuff. It's time to go back out." I heard coach say.

After we got our food and got back to our seats, we heard somebody calling for Paige. It was an interview lady who was there to ask her questions I guess.

The game is in full swing, with the crowd cheering and the game starting back up. In the midst of the excitement, i seen Sarah, approaching me in the stands and decides to interview me.

"So, what are your thoughts on the game so far? Any standout players or moments that caught your attention?" Sarah asked me putting the mic to me.

"Well, it's been an intense match so far. Both teams are showing incredible skills and determination. As for standout players, there's been some impressive teamwork on display. The passing between players has been seamless, leading to some amazing assists and baskets. It's really captivating to watch." I said taking a moment to gather my thoughts, her eyes still occasionally drifting towards the court.

"And how do you think the energy of the crowd is impacting the game? Do you feel like the players are feeding off the crowd's excitement?" Sarah ask me making eye contact.

"Absolutely! The energy in the arena is immaculate. You can feel the excitement and support from the crowd, and I believe it's definitely motivating the players. The cheers and chants are pushing them to give their best performance. It's an almost like a symbiotic relationship between the players and the fans." I said expressing my words with my hands.

"That's fantastic to hear! Now, as a spectator, what do you think the key strategies are for both teams to secure a win in this game?"

"Well, from what I've observed, both teams are employing a mix of offensive and defensive strategies. The team that can effectively control the pace of the game and make quick adjustments to counter their opponent's tactics will likely have the upper hand. It's all about adaptability and capitalizing on opportunities." I said feeling like I answer the question well enough to where she could understand.

"okay, that was Paige bueckers' insight of the game! Thank you Paige for doing g this with us!" Sarah said smiling.

I'm not sure why they had Paige doing an courtaide interview, hopefully it's not about her past. I feel like the more we think back to it; the more it's dragging us down.

After the game

As soon as the horns was off I was talking to Caitlin, it's was just how it was the first time when we met, we could be our self around each other.

"it's good to see you again." she said smiling at me.

"you too" I said smiling back and reaching in for a hug.

After we hugged she hugged ice and Azzi, thanking them for coming out I seen Paige, was she coming to talk to me?

"go talk to her" I said shoving her towards Caitlin.

"um. Hi." I said awkwardly.

"why you acting like we're just now meeting?" Caitlin said laughing.

"because it wasn't my ideal plan to come here and speak to you, I just wanted to watch the game." I said shrugging.

"well, how'd I do?" She asked me making eye contact.

I knew I wanted her back, the way she smelt, her voice, her eyes, everything. I didn't want to make it obvious though.

"Paige, I, honestly didnt mean to hurt you and I know that's the same thing every other person says, but I could've lied and covered it up but I couldn't do that to you. I had it made up in my mind I was over you so when I seen you, I'd just brush you off, but that's not what happened Paige I love you, I miss you. I want you." Caitlin said, I couldn't tell if she meant to spit her feelings out like that or not, but the fact that she still thinks about me and still wants to be with me just shows that we belong because it's vice versa.

"I miss you too cait, if we give this another try, promise me we'll work out this time. The little stuff, we'll work it out, the big stuff, we'll work that out too." I said looking in her eyes.

"I promise" she said looking in my eyes, biting her lip. She was so beautiful I couldn't help but kiss her. We kissed and held it for a moment.

Getting this second chance with Paige is all I've wanted. I am so grateful, I guess Kate was right. I promise to do right by her this time and that means not even responding to Conner, I've grown to know his ways and his manipulation.

"I love you." I said breaking the kiss

"I love you to cait." I heard Paige say as we hugged each other.

"I'm so good at this, let me be a marriage counselor, cause at this point, I'm a match maker." I said brushing my shoulder.

"well then, how come you haven't made your own match?" Ice said side eyeing me.

All I could do was laugh. I was so proud of Paige and Caitlin for making this big step, I guess that means Paige is coming with us to the movies.

I been busy yall, I started this bright and early this morning i can't hold my focus for nothing 😭 let me know what you guys think!💕

double dribble hearts ~ Caitlin Clark & Paige bueckers 🔗Where stories live. Discover now