Chapter 38

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As soon as I got home, I took a shower. I felt nasty I was on a plane and even if I did have practice I just couldn't stay in my airplane clothes.

"what sense, did it make, to take a shower if we have practice?" Kk asked me.

"geno doesn't know if I have practice or not." I said laughing.

"nevermind that, tell me about this date." kk said.

"my gosh it wasn't a date." I said laughing.

"you don't seem to be too hurt about Caitlin anymore." Kk said.

"why would I sit around feeling sorry for myself, I didn't cheat, she cheated."

"I guess, so the date?" kk added

"abbey? We're just really good friends. And we went and got breakfast and she took a picture. That's all. She's one of the Purdue players." I said shrugging.

"does she know? That you're not transferring?" kk asked me.

"nope, I couldn't, I didn't have the heart to tell her. I couldn't. I told her I'd tell her when I got back here."

"she's gonna bawl." kk said shaking her head.

"I know, the real reason I was so scared to tell her is because her 5th year there all depended on me, if I transferred, she would've played."

"bummer." kk said. "naw I'm just kidding, tell her."

I sat on the couch as Paige was talking to abbey on the phone, I'm so glad she decided to stay, I can't wait for her to tell the coaches, the team and the media. She came back in a sighed after ending the phone call.

"how'd she take it?" I asked hopelessly.

"she took it well, but she probably punching the air right now." I heard Paige say back to me.

"you should've never went out and got close with her knowing you weren't transferring." Kk said side-eyeing me.

"I know, I know, I just needed somebody. I had no ride, I had person to cry on, I knew nothing about Indiana." Paige explained to me.

"speaking of crying, you were t down in the dumps for long." I told her.

"kk at this point, who's side are you on? Cause I'm convinced you like the Iowa girl more than me." Paige said looking at me.

"I'm in both sides, I'm like in the middle like the 60 MPH in a car, you know how it's like right in the middle of the meter? That's where I'm at." I said expressing myself with my hands.

KK comparing herself to a meter in a car is hilarious, who actually thinks of something like that? I couldn't stop laughing.

"a meter? A miles per hour meter? That's what you thought of?" I said laughing.

"bruh yes or like the 12 o clock hand. Isn't that in the middle?" She asked me.

"I think you're getting a little out of hand with this discussion." I said laughing.

"anyways about Caitlin, how had she been?" Kk asked me.

"I don't really know because yesterday I kind of said some stuff, that wasn't true to my personality." I said looking down.

"which was?" Kk said really concerned.

"I said she was begging for attention and asking for sympathy." I said back not willing to make eye contact.

"what made you think that, or say that." kk said looking at me with a disgusted expression.

"Grace was telling me how she was so happy after practice and when she seen me post that I went to breakfast her happiness went from 100 to like 3 in like 50 seconds and she got really overwhelmed and mad and she was slamming her head and stuff of the dashboard. And I told Grace not to worry about it because we'd argued and I was just heated in the moment." I said trying to explain.

"her kissing her ex really messed with your brain didn't it, cause it's not like you to say something like that no matter how upset you are." Kk said shaking her head in disappointment.

"I know, and I don't want to text her because I'm too prideful and once I find the mentality to text her I will. I just know it won't be today." I said rubbing my forehead.


"Paige, come talk to me, everybody else stretch and warmup" geno instructed.

I walked into Geno's office and sat in a chair across from his desk.

"So Paige, we need an answer, I'm wondering, the teams wondering, the medias wondering." Geno said crossing his legs.

"I've made e a decision and it was one of the hardest to choose from." I said going easy and slow.

The press and camera were all around geno's office waiting for an answer, I don't know why I couldn't just talk to him in private but I knew this would be an easier way to clear the air.

"so with that being said, I've decided it would be best to transfer to-"

As soon as geno heard transfer his smile said "find me." And it was the funniest thing ever.

"nah I'm joking, I'm staying here at UConn, like this place had shaped me into the person I am and it's gave me the best 4 years I could ever ask for. I should've took the sign Caitlin and everyone was giving me to stay just so I didn't waste time." I said expressing my words with my hands.

"girl you scared me." Geno said making a joke out him literally about to chunk a chair at the winder, yes I say winder not "window".

"I know I just like scaring people honestly." I said laughing.

"you can go stretch and warmup with the other girls and we'll talk more after practice.

I was really, satisfied with my choice to stay here at UConn, it took a lot of brain and thought but I finally managed to get through it and choose what I think is best for me, I mean UConn has been what's been best for me for a long time, why change now?

Plus I have 1 year left why play 1 year at a different school, that was the point that really made me stay. I told my teammates and they clapped and cheered and hugged me and I felt so welcomed even though I never left, I almost did. and I love them for never looking at me as an outside trader or something.

Purdue might be where my girl is, but UConn is where my heart is. As we celebrate and listened to music, we practiced, of course if have to see what the media had to say, good or bad but it's part of life, and decision-making.

None of my teammates nor myself had our phones, but we didn't need them. We just wanted to soak in this moment with each other knowing any one of us could be in my situation and actually do decide to transfer.

I get distracted insanely too easily. I started this in my first class of the morning and I'm just now finishing it. That's pitiful! KEEP READING!



•YOU GUYS! I honestly cannot say thank you enough! 10k is INSANE! and no amount of thank yous can even express how thankful I am! The votes and comments! They matter to and I read every one of them, thank you guys continue to spam the comments, lol I be loving em!

So while I've noticed this book has been getting so much recognition so much love so much support. I also noticed that the other one blonde ambition has not been getting as much love and support and is moving like a little bit slower than this one, so I'm putting it on hold I'll probably start back writing in like  maybe July or August because I'm totally busy in June and yeah, so let me know what you guys want to read so I know a lot of you like a lot of people I don't like, a lot of people I never heard of, a lot of people I don't watch play, or a lot of people that's irrelevant to me so I'm willing to write a book that I'll enjoy writing as much as you guys enjoy reading. Because I don't want to spend time writing a book no one is going to read. So I've narrowed the choices down:

1. Paige and Nika
2. Caitlin and Kate
3. Paige and KK
4. Caitlin and juju
5. Juju and Paige
6. Caitlin and nika
5. juju and nika

So i basically kept the circle small! Choose the couple you want to see me write about next! Let me know what you guys think in the comments! 💕

double dribble hearts ~ Caitlin Clark & Paige bueckers 🔗Where stories live. Discover now