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It's been more than 3 months we've known each other now and we've grown really closer to each other and I think it's finally time for to admit I like him for real she reads. New Year was a blast and it was summer alrady, nie that im back to my routine everyday feels the same sge reads.

Riya finishes her work at hospital and heads back home that evening when her phone vibrates with messages. Curious she looks into her phone and finds several invitations for holi. Cant believe it's holi already, Nisha did a great job organising the fest,she says to herself, putting them into her bag she drives back home. She parks her car and walks inside finding her mother sitting on the coach, he mom she says and hugs her. Hi sweetie you're home sats says looking at her, and you look really tired too she says. Yes mom  had a long day and when did you come back she asks her mother? In the evening, I wanted to surprise my daughter ny getting home early she says. Well, im really surprised and really happy you're home she says kissing her on her cheek.

That night Riya and her mother have some dinner, I wish dad and Avi were home too Riya says. I miss them too, Avi might be home soon; he mentioned about returning home sooner than he thought her mother says. It would be really good having him around Riya says as she takes the last but from her plate, you must feel lonely having all of us away from home sweetheart, her mother says taking Riya's hands into hers. I did, but now I'm fine. I think I've got someone  spending time with me and looks like time flies when he's around she says. Her mom looked at her and finds her smiling, you seem so happy talking about this mystery of a person Riya. Her mother says, well. I'll let you know when the time is right. Now, if you'll excuse me Mrs. Thakur. I'll be heading back to my room she says getting up from her seat, good night mom she says and kissed her before she walked to the stairs.

Riya heads back to her room, she dumps her things onto the side table and her phone continues to ting with notification. Ignoring all of them she heads to take a shower feeling exhausted. After a long hot shower she walks out in her robe, I needed this shower desperately she says flopping back on the bed. Riya then grabs her phone funding several missed calls and text messages from Arjun, whats with this guy? He seemed distant for the past few dad and now he's flooding my phone with calls and messages she says t herself. She clicks in his name and calls him, Arjun picked her call on the first ring; hey. Riya he says giving a pause. Thas was fast she says as he answered the call speaking, I happened to have my phone nearby he says clearing his throat. Well, let's say you did Riya says smiling to herself.

So, what kept you so busy that you couldn't take my calls he asks her? I was having a me time wth my mom and then I needed a shower desperately she says. Makes sense, you've been busy all this while he says; and what's with you flooding my phone with calls and messages. I almost thought someone robbed you or something she says, well that can never happen. And who would dare come for me he says, Riya chuckles as she hears him. Riya, can you walk out to your balcony he asks her? Why, is there something waiting for me she says and walks out. Riya looks around to find him standing across the gate leaning against his car, he waves when he sees her; hello again he said. Arjun was dressed in a maroon shirt and a ivory coloured pants, his shirt tucked into his pants flaunting his muscled as he flexed, the first two buttons of his shirt were undone making him look like the most attractive man. Finally pairing it with a pair of leather loafers that matched his outfit, Riya couldn't take her eyes of him as she sees him standing leaning against his black Range Rover.

I guess you did find something he says looking at her, she smiled. I think I did she says, what are you doing out there she asks him? I happened to be nearby and thought I could just drop by say hi to you he says. I'm not buying that Arjun, spill she says; what makes you think I'm lying he says  because you're really bad at lying she says. Kind of makes sense, now if I could I would've just sneaked up into your room but then I didn't know how you would tane it so I called you and then message but you seemed out of reach. It's been like more than an hour and I've been waiting for you, now that I can finally talk to you it felt worth the wait he says.

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