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Avi walked into with some food, he smiled looking at the pizza boxes he carried inside. Riya would love them he says and walks in to find the dark lights off inside the house. What’s wrong with the lights he says as he called one of the guards. We are working on it sir, we need a little more time ad had replace the generator. The old one caught fire he says, fire? How the fuck did fire come into the city out of nowhere, he yells. Avi says getting suspicious? I'm sorry sir, we were also surprised to find the fire. The guard says.

Avi immediately turns to the door and then back at him, look around if there’s someone around and call the cops if you find anything suspicious. No matter what it it is, call the cops he says and rushed inside.

Riya, you're here. Avi yelled as he rushes inside when he finds her pinned to the wall by a man holding a knife against her throat, her eyes looked at him as fear and anxiety flooded them. Riya, he says taking a step forward when the man bring the knife closer to her throat. Take one more step and i assure you, she shall be as good as dead. He says.

He couldn't see his face but he was sure this man was the one after her. Avi restrained from doing anything afraid he would hurt. Arjun kept on yelling Riya’s name on the call but all he could hear was Avi’s voice, the man looks at the phone on the floor and tosses it to Avi. He picks up her phone and speaks. Arjun II'll call you back he says and the call ends.

What do you want, Avi says looking at thean in his eye. What do you think I want, when what I desperately wat is right here in my arms her says bringing his face closer to her. Avi fists his hand restraining himself from doing anything he would regret. Avi, don't do anything she says as tears came down her eyes. Avi...... Avi please she says as the man held her walks her towards the door.

Fine you can take her, he says stepping back. Riya looked at him knowing he was hoti something, the man let's his gaurd done for a brief second and before Avi could do anything Riya elbows his from behind rush towards Avi. The man groans in pain as he reached for her, come back here you bitch. He says grabbing her when Avi grabs his hand holding him.

Got you bastard he says pinning him to the wall, the man cursed at Avi trying to get away but he holds him still. Riya, call the cops now he says when the man let's his hand free striding the knife towards Avi.
Avi watch out, she says and before they caught on the situation the man attacks Avi with his knife and makes his way out. Avi tried to run after him but Riya stood him, Avi top. Your arm, blood she says and te very next moment the lights were back.

Blood oozed out his hand as Riya rushed to gatb the first aid box. Riya grabs her phone and calls over Nisha, while Nisha was on her way she tries her best to try stopping the blood. She looked worried as the blood wouldn't stop coming, let's get you to the hospital she says. I'm fine Riya, it's not that serious he says. Are you the doctor or is it me, she says looking at him.

In a while Nisha and Vedika were home. As Nisha check on Riya, Vedika took care of Avi's arm. I had to stitch him up, don't worry. You'll be fine he says, tell me something I don't know. He says as she bandaged his wound, Vedika tightens the knot when he said that. Are you trying to kill me he says as he groans in pain, this is why you should watch you mouth when your with a doctor she says.

Babe, have some water Nisha says feeding her some. Nisha, my phone. I need to call Arjun, he must be worried she sad looking for her phone when she hears it buzzing.

She rushed to her phone and answers the call before it ended. Arjun, she says. Oh my god love, If it wasn't for the plane I would've rushed to you as soon as I could. He says. She could hear the anxiety on hi voice by the way he was breathing, are you hurt. What's wrong, talk to me. He says.

I.... I'm fine but Avi is hurt. Seems like the stalker guy had found his way into the house. He..... He wanted to take me with him and threatened to hurt me if we didn't listen to him. I'm fine now but it's Avi. He's.... He's hurt and I couldn't do anything she says sobbing.

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