Chapter- 28

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Riya gets ready for work and heads downstairs, after breakfast she finds Sid in the backyard with whisky; she knew he was finally getting better from all that has caused him pain and today he had almost forgotten everything. Keeping her thoughts aside she walks to him, hey Sid she says as he turns to her smiling. Since Avi is not home would you like to come with me, we could go have your favorite dessert in the evening to she says. Avi looks at her before he smiled nodding at her. Riya takes his hand in hers, lest go then she says

Later that morning she drives back to the hospital with Sid by her side, he looked out of the window and smiled to himself as the cool breeze messed his hair. She was happy for him, from the time she bought him home he never cried over what happened to his father, though he missed him he was brave enough to understand what happened to him. He looked really happy and everyone around him loved him, she was glad he wasn’t sad anymore. In a while they stop by and Riya parks her car, come on now let’s go inside she says and takes his hand hers, Sid followed her as he waved at everyone passing by. Did tagged along with her a few times and by nie everyone at the hospital knew him, he is such a cheerful kuda doctor. Looking at him makes me hapy, the head nurse said as she looked at Sid as he waved at everyone passing by. I'm glad he is she says silung at him.

Riya takes him upstairs to the play area where Nisha waited for her; hi Sid the pediatric doctor says when he looked at her. Hi he replies smiling at her, you want to play here. There are a lot of friends for you to play with she says, really. Can I go play he saks looking at her? Of course you can dear, but before that Riya will take you to someone; you need to tell me if you recognize them or not ok. She asks Sid? Sid looks between Riya and the doctor. Riya smiled not letung his hand go; Sid mods his head looking ag her. Let's ho then she says and they follow her.

Riya walks him inside the play room and there she finds a couple seated having tea. As Sid walks closer to them his face turns pale, he stops halfway and hides behind Riya. Don’t go there, I don’t want to go there; they will take me away Sid says looking at Riya. Riya looks at his face and finds him in tears; he bends down to his height. What's wrong sweetie, you don't know the Riya says looking at him? Bad people, they hurt me. They are bad people he says tearing up, Riya holds him in her embrace; it's okay sweetie. We shall not go there if you don't want to, now will you stop crying. The doctor here shall take you to your friends so you can go play with them caressing his cheek. He wipes his tears nodding his head.

Once Sid was gone Riya takes her phone and dials Avi’s number; he picks up on the second ring. Hey Riya he says answering the call, the thing is I want some help; I want to know about someone she says. But before that can we meet she asks him? Yea sure he says without a second thought. I’ll stop by the hospitals this afternoon; is that okay he asks her Riya? Yea sure that’d be good thank you she says and the call ends.

Riya approached the couple, hello I’m Dr. Riya and you are she asks the lady who continued to look behind her. Ah hello I’m Sid’s aunt and this his uncle nice to meet you she says. Oh are you? According to him there’s no one else in their family Riya says, the couple smile awkwardly at each other. that one’s still a kid doctor, how will he know about all this and moreover, he’s my most cherished niece and I just Love him just like my own son she says. She continued to look behind. Riya and she realised she was looking for Sid

If you're looking for Sid, I'm sorry but he's not here. You don't have to worry about him, he's safe and happy wherever he is. And he's not willing to come talk to you people. Looks like he's scared of something or maybe someone he says staring at the couple folding her hands to  her chest. The lady looks at Riya and smiles awkwardly; are you telling we are the reason he scared. What makes you so sure miss, she says raising her voice, I've been nice to you that doesn't mean you could accuse us of anything and everything. Why do we have to lie to you about something this sensitive, he's like our son and you're trying to take him away from us she says. You accuse us and we shall take it all she says taking a step closer to Riya, the way you just acted out tells me you're hiding something she says. You behaving like this make me more protective of the kid and I shall not let you any closer to Sid Riya says. How dare you, the man says raising his hand at Riya, the women tries to grab Riya when she's suddenly pulled back by a force, before she realised Avi stepped forward shielding her.

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