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The next morning Arjun opens his eyes looking around; he doesn't find Riya next to her. He walks out of the room and finds her in the backyard. She looks at the sky sitting on the stairs wrapped her with a blanket. He picks his T-shirt and walks to her; he sits next to her when she looks at him. Did u sleep well he asks? Never better she says, put this you'll catch cold he says handing her the t-shirt, she wears it letting the blanket slides down her body. Aren't you cold, you're practically naked she says looking at him? He wears only his boxers. She grabs the blanket and scoops closer to him as she wraps him with the blanket, he pulls her inside. This feels warmer he says smiling when her stomach starts to growl. He looks at her and they both burst into laughter, thanks to someone I couldn't eat a thing last night she says. He clears his throat and looks at her; let's prepare something shall we he says? She laughs at him. Looks like the best option than a take out early in the morning she says. He scoops her in his arms in one stride and walks towards the kitchen.

Arjun sits her on the kitchen counter standing closer to her. What do you want; anything you're craving for he asks looking at her? She thinks humming before speaking; not really she days smiling. How 'bout sandwiches she says, sounds good let's get started he says and digs into the fridge and gets the vegetables out of the fridge, he hands some to Riya and starts chopping them still seated on the counter. Now and then she fooled around grabbing his attention. She finally finishes what she was doing and starts munching on the carrots. She takes a glance at Arjun, he looked busy toasting the bread and adding Mayo and sauce onto it,  are you done she says as he bring the plates to her adding veggies onto the toast. Do you want some help she asked him?  You seem to be doing enough help I think he says as he grabs her ankle finally looking at her. Don't you think you're taking advantage of the poor guy by fooling around with me he says and alks closer to her. The guy seem to be enjoying it a lot while it lasted she says, well you were being a distraction to him when he was trying his best making sandwiches for her he says. Am I she says wrapping her legs around him and sliding her arms around his neck; he smile looking at her; Her soft, warm lips welcomed him hungrily, and he lost himself in her sweet musk, warm skin and honeyed taste; He wanted to feel his skin pressed against hers and for her to run her fingers through his hair and as though reading his mind she was doing it, he groans by the pleasure the sudden friction between them. Slowly his warm lips kissed their way down to her neck in a devastating caress. Her head falls back and the shirt she wore slides down from her shoulder exposing more of her, his hands slide inside her shirt caressing her breast as he nips at her neck, she moans with pleasure. You're distracting me again he says, she laughs breathing louder. You'll have to get used to she says, I see there's lot of things I need to get used to; like the new versions of yours every time I touch you he says slowly sliding his arm up her inner thigh, Riya runs her hands down his chest looking at him. Arjun leans forward taking her kissing her when they hear a loud shatter from outside; what's that Riya says. I'll go check he says and walks out, she follows him behind.

They walk into the main hallway and find Scotch on the ground. The tennis balls in the basket were all scattered on the ground and scotch sat in between them playing with one, they look at each other and laugh. Hey baby come here Riya calls for scotch, she runs to Riya hearing her voice. Riya falls on the ground with a thud as scotch jumps into her arms showering her with kisses, Arjun leans closer and pulls her away from Riya facing him. She looks at him with dowed eyes, hey buddy I'm not scolding you for playing around; I'm really happy today he says rubbing her back, she hugs him feeling happy for him. Later the 3 of them finish breakfast and Arjun walks into his study; Riya comes by in a while, remember my parents are coming back today she says leaning onto the door. Yes i remember, I'm glad they're coming back sooner he says still looking at the screen. Avi said they want talk, I wonder what it might be Riya says and down looks at the floor, and Arjun looks at her perturbed. He walks to her and cups her face with his hands. Hey look at me he says lifting her chin facing him. You worry for nothing, I'm sure it's not serious. I asked your dad about this when I spoke to him the other day. He said we'll find out soon. Riya looks at him; you seem to be quite close to dad she says. Kind of he says, then things are less complicated she says, glad you've finally understood he says. I just couldn't believe when you said you spoke to my dad she says, such things happen baby you better brace yourself for more surprises like these he says. Yea whatever she says rolling her eyes, did you just rolled your eyes at me he says looking at her. And what if I did she say, remember this we'll talk about it later he says and walk back to his table. When is later she shouts as she walk back to their room for a shower, that's when I decided he replies. She smiles and walks into the shower. She then gets dressed, she wears her denim shorts and off shoulder ditsy printed yellow top, she stands in front of the mirror packing her things when she looks at her ring. She takes a closer look of the ring and touches it with her fingers smiling to herself, Arjun walks out of the shower drying his hair when he finds her lost in her thoughts. He walks to her and wraps his hands around her from behind; she lifts her head and looks at him through the mirror. You seemed lost he says looking at her, nothing I just think I got so lucky and I don't know how do I tell you how happy I am right now she says. You don't have to tell it's written all over your face he says and kisses her forehead. She smiles at him through the mirror and turns to him, are you going to stand here and not get dressed she asks looking at him. Why you don't like me like this he says, shut up Arjun she says and walks him to the bed and sits him on the bed, he lifts his head looking at her, and she wipes his hair dry with the towel. He slides his hand around her waist and pulls her closer. This feels nice he says, she laughs as he tickles her.

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