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You okay Riya he asks her as he takes her hand in his, she simply nods without looking at him; wait for me I’ll be back he says and turns around. Arjun looked at then men who glanced at each other. Trying to be the good guy here, what say we all have fun together; one of the men spoke with a smirk on his face. Well I’m the who will have a lot of fun smashing each one of your faces he says he takes a few steps towards them. Lets see about that shall we the man in the front says as he grabs a log from the ground and charged faster towards Arjun. Before he could take a shot Arjun dodged him grabbing his hand, you are really getting on my nerves now he says and tackles him down on the ground. The man groans in pain as he strggled getting back on his feet but he stepped in his hand making it more painful for him. soon both the try attacking Arjun together but it was a piece of cake handling both of them. Arjun couldn’t control his anger as he took his time beating the shit of each one of them, that's enough Arjun please Riya calls out as she watched him beat the men; Arjun turned to Riya and walks to her. Riya looks at him; she couldn't find words to speak to him. She gets up tying to walk but she trips hissing in pain. He holds her hands scoop her into his arms, I can walk she says. He makes her sit on the bench and removes her shoe, when she hisses on pain. He senses the swelling of her ankle. I hope you know what happens when you walk, he says. She doesn’t talk back; wait here I’ll be back he says and walks back to the men. You three had the nerve to get your filthy dirty hands on what’s mine he say glaring at each one of them. Just then Sandeep, Arjun’s personal secretary comes by; how dare you touch her he says twisting one of the man’s hand making it painful for him. Rage filled his eyes as he knocks all of them until they were bleeding and begging him to let them go. Sir you should go, Ms. Riya must be waiting I’ll take of them don’t you worry he says looking at him; then I shall leave them to you he says and taps on his shoulder before he left.

Arjun walks back to find Riya looking at her bruised hand, she lifts her head looking at him once he was closer to her, we should go he says and lifts her in his arms as he carries her back to his car, she wanted to argue but could not utter a word instead she just looked at him in silence. He gently lowered her on the front seat and put her shoes down at the back seat. He then made arrangements to get her car back home before he drives her back to the city. She finally spoke looking at him; how you would know I was there, she asks? He hands her phone back to her, you called me and I kind of figured you were in trouble so I tracked down your location and thankfully I was nearby he says looking at her. By the way, what you were doing there in the dark he asks looking at her furiously, nothing I just came for some air she replies not looking at him. He stops the car at once; you must be out of your mind Riya, who the hell comes this far from home just for a walk he yells at her. Stop yelling at me, it's not your concern; I can go wherever I wish to and I don't need your permission for that she says. He doesn't talk back instead he drives her to a nearby hospital. He takes her inside; do you know we need an appointment beforehand she says? He looks at her, don't worry about that he says and continues, the orthopedist here is my friend and he knows I'll be coming he says. She then gets her ankle examined; nothing to worry it’s a minor swelling and a sprain. Few days of rest will be good he says and ties a Crape bandage around her ankle. They leave the hospital and he drives her back home. Thank you she says; for what he asks her? For everything today she says taking a glance at him but he doesn’t look at her. He drives her home and stops in front of her house; he turns to her and finds her already looking at him. Ok then he says, want to come inside for some coffee she says looking at him? Arjun looks at her clearly shocked, Arjun she calls out his name; he clears his throat and turns away. Yea sure coffee, let’s go he says and helps her inside; Riya opens the door when she finds whisky by the door. Hey baby she says as she slowly makes her way inside settling down on the couch. Whisky jumps around and hugs her showering her with kisses; whisky spots Arjun behind and runs to his jumping around him. Hey buddy how you he says as he bends to his knees patting him on his head. He jumps into his arms hugging him. It’s really been a long time buddy he says as he looks at Riya; she feels the sudden tension between them. You want some help he asks her? No, I’m fine on my own she says. Make yourself at home, I’ll make some coffee she says and walks into the kitchen. She pours herself and Arjun hot coffee and heads back onto the living room, here you go she says and place the mugs on the table. Thank you he says and takes a few sips. They sit across each other in an awkward silence, so then how’s everything at work he asks her? As usual busy but I’ll be able to find time she says, that’s good he says; want some snack she asks him? Sure he says, she slowly back to the kitchen limping. Do you want some help; I could come with you if you want he says. No I’ll manage she says and walks away; she then takes some doughnuts out of the fridge and reheats them. She takes a plate and puts the doughnuts on the plate when he suddenly feels some presence behind her; this is not Arjun she thinks before she stopped what she was doing. She turns around at once and finds a man with a mask on pointing a gun at her; before she could do anything he presses his hand against her mouth and points the gun at her. You shout and I swear all that’s in here will be in your body he says pressing the gun to her abdomen, Riya looks across the kitchen looking for help but there wasn’t sign of anything. I thought you’d be alone at home but now you’ve got this guy along, I see you guys wanted to have some fun he says tightening his hand.

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