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Dr. Jose looked at Riya's father who held onto his wife who almost fainted after what they heard, he walks away giving them space. It's been mid afternoon and Arjun walks into the room where Riya was, he walks closer to her and finds her with bandages, monitors and wire around her. She looked horrible like this and it hurt him even more looking at her like that, he leans down and kisses her on her forehead. Riya can you hear me he says caressing hegr cheek, for the first time he felt so distant even though she was this closer to him. I'm sorry Love I couldn't stop all this he says, he pulls a chair and sits on it next to her. Please wake up already I can't see you like this he says taking her hands in his; her hands felt cold and it wasn't like he always felt. He continues to look at her when Dr. Jose enters inside; he pats Arjun on his shoulder trying to comfort him. Arjun I'm sorry but I can't let you stay here for too long he says, Arjun doesn't respond. And there's more to talk about her condition would you mind walking out with me he asks Arjun? He nods and follows him outside.

He followed Dr. Jose into his cabin. Whats wrong, you wanted to tell me something he says. Arjun, the cut on her wrist was intentional and probably done by Riya herself, it was professional enough to make sure not to damage any nerve inside he says. But Riya had not such reason to do that Arjun says, Arjun I'm telling this to you and you only; I can't risk Mrs. Thakur's life by telling hr things like these. I'm sure you can handle this he says, I'm listening he says. Ok let me get to the point then Dr. Jose continues, her body is dehydrated and she's lost lot of weight too it's like she's been starved for days. She's too weak to handle any kind of stress and we have to wait until she wakes up for further treatment he says. Arjun found it hard to take in all these details and the fact that her condition wasn’t good was horrific enough for him. Just answer my one last question then he says and Dr. Jose nods at him; when will she open her eyes. You should know this he says, Arjun when I said coma you might've been terrified. But yea it's better to not have any expectations, but as far as know Riya I'm sure she'll overcome this. I suggest we wait and observe her 2 weeks to the least. Hoping she'll wake up before that he says.

Later Dr. Jose leaves and Arjun falls back on the chair behind, tears couldn't stop flowing down his eyes; the fact that she was in coma and the way everyone were so clueless when she’ll regain consciousness hurt him. Avi walks back from the reception and finds Arjun sitting on the chair. He walks to him and sits next to him, Arjun you can't breakdown like this. Not when you're the one she needs the most right now he says. Arjun looks at him, Avi what do I do; everything seems to be falling apart and this coma thing seems to be serious and he says trailing off. Avi couldn't speak up after what he heard; Arjun you've no idea how much responsible I'm for all this. Arjun turns to him and hugs him, it’s not your fault Avi, there's someone else who's to be held responsible he says. Avi pulls away and looks at him; stay by her side until I come back Arjun says and walks away. Avi watches him until he disappeared.

Arjun makes a call to the inspector as he drives, yea Arjun he speaks; I'm going to the warehouse and just wanted to tell you in case he says. Ah right then let me tag along he says and the call ends, Arjun looked furious as he continued to drive. He was finally there and looked around finding the inspector but it looked like he wasn't there yet, he walks inside opening the door when he finds a man tied to the chair and unconscious. He walks closer and looked carefully at him as he stood before him, your better stop pretending in here and just expect me to sweet talk to you like you did he says. Akash opens his eyes and looks at him, hello brother I've been waiting for you he says; looking at you seems like you're a mess yourself Akash says smiling at him. Arjun controls himself trying not to punch him in his face. He pulls a chair and sits facing him, you've got the nerve to smile right now; nobody would even notice if I killed you right here and just burry your corpse somewhere around here Arjun says. Akash stops smiling and his expression start changing, why what's wrong. You don't like this then how about this he says looking at him; I'll just leave you here tied up to this chair and won't even bother to feed you any food and water. Then in less than 2 weeks you'll starve to death Arjun says, Akash looked annoyed as he turned his face away. You know whatever you're doing right now is a crime and you could be behind bars Akash says, oh really then what you did don't seem like one to you. After what you've done she's fighting for her life out there, you've no idea how much of a big mistake you've made do you. You're going to regret this he says as Arjun hands reach his neck trying to choke him, Arjun was losing his temper as his hands tightened around his neck.

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