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Riya stands in silence turning her back at him. Why are you so quiet Riya, talk to me he asks her? I don’t think there is something to talk about and moreover she says looking at him; you don’t have to know everything happening in my life now do you she says looking at him. Arjun felt taken aback as though she had pushed him far away from her; and that distance felt like a million miles between them. I was just he says in loss of words, I’ll be heading to bed. Good night Arjun she says fighting back the tears that dwell in her eyes. Riya walks back to her room as fast as she could. She shuts the door leaning over it once she was inside, and this time she burst out crying. All her sorrows poured at once as she couldn’t control them. She falls back on the floor and buries he face crying; things are getting harder and harder. I wish I could disappear and run away somewhere she thinks, Riya suddenly felt short of breath, the room around her felt like a smaller safe suffocating her and soon she starts sweating. Looking around she finds her pills, before things could get anymore worse she crawls to grabs her pills and gulps them down her thoat She lay back on the floor curled up as she calm herself down, once she felt relieved she lay back on her back looking at the roof; she then slowly falls asleep. Arjun paced around outside the dor, he wanted to kick the door ket himself in but he knew she wouldn't talk to him right now. He wanted to find out everything but he didn't kow what to do, I'm soory love he says looking down at his hands when he hears her phone buzzing. Arjun walks downstairs to fin Riya's phone buzzing, she must've left it here he thinks and looks into her phone; it was Nisha calling her. He answers the call, hey babe. How are you holding up she asks? Arjun knew she was aware about everything. This is Arjun, let meet right now he says and the call ends; in a while Nisha and Arjun meet at a cafe nearby. Arjun had a lot going on in his mind but he wasn't sure where to start, from h time they have be there all he died was sit silentlt. Nisha takes a deep breath before she spoke, looks like you've found out something; let me hear you out she says. No, what I know si not important. Tell me everything, right from he beginning he asks her; Nisha knew teling him all of this would change everything between them and she knew that was a good thing for them so she chose to tell him everything.

Well, all of this began when you left. Riya was not herself anymore, she was often looking around waiting for you to come; there are nights she couldn't sleep. She often lured around your house only to get a glimpse of your face, she thought you would never want to see her at all. Then one day you were gone like you weren't there at all, you don't know wat you did to her Arjun. With you gone she totally lost herself, that was he first time I saw her in that state. She sure has gone through a few breakups in the past but none of the caused to break down like this, she really loved you Arjun and that slowly broke her. With you gone she slowly started accepting that truth, she thought you'd never come back; she wanted to get back to her usual self which she couldn't. I often found her staying bck at work, shes spent hundreds of sleepless night in the hospital only to pull herself out of the misery she was in. She stopped anging out with us, never did she cal her on her own; she never smiled like the Riya I knew. Me and Vedika often pulled her out of the house  taking her place but, we don't nights with her making sure she could get some sleep. And that's we I knew she had anxiety, she often had nightmares that kept her up all nighy; she cried a lot in the beginning days but as her condition worsened she stooped showing emotions. An year after you left, I got her to Dr. Jose for treatment; he did all her could but that and I didn't relly change anything. That was when Niel, my cousin came back; he happened to be a psychiatric and the only way to get her to him was through a blind date. But she never agreed to it, I had to two her the truth, she eventually accepted to get treated. When I thought everything looked good you came back, he past came to her haunting her; she had an attack that day at the club if she wouldn't have called me that night I would never know. Nisha finally looked at Arjun, he looked down at his hands not sure what to tell; Arjun can you please not have her expect something from you when you pan to leave. This time nobody can save her, not me not you he says when he finally spoke. No, I cannot do it. I fucking love her dammit Arjun says banging his fists to the table. I know whit I've done is realy unforgiving and I regret by doings everyday. Since the day I let her go, there never a day I didn't think of her; she always been on my mind. Now I think back I fell maybe if I had taken a step towards her then maybe she wouldn't have to suffer so much. This is my fault I tend to make this right so please dont try to do anything you'll regret Nisha he said. Arjun you know that's... No please. Arjun interrupts her, I tend to win her back I shall do it he says. Fine have it your way but this time make sure you don't mess up anything, Avi is not going to sit back watching if something happens to her and you should know it better than anyone else she says. Later after Nish left Arjun still sat at the care tinking, all he did was balme himself for what se was going through. I ought to make everything right but will she take me back he thought for a longe time. Arjun drives back home and walks into her room, he finds Riya curled up on the floor. Her meds were scattered all over the floor, Arjun panicked as he looks at her. When he realised she was sleeping he settled on the floor next to her, I'm sorry Riya; I ought to make tings right for you. I want to see you happy, smiling like the Riya I remember and I'm willing to do anything and everything he says. He lay back next to her watching her sleep, the years stained her cheek as she was fas asleep. I'm sorry live, I really am. I want you back and thins time I promise to never let you go he says.

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