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The next morning Riya wakes up to the knock on her door. Half awake she opens the door when Arjun stands there smiling at her, what’s wrong Arjun she says blinking her eyes open? Pack your bags we're leaving he says smiling at her, confused she looks at him. Where, and what do you mean we she asks? We in the senses all of us he says moving aside, Riya turns her head to finds the all her friends behind; all dressed and waiting for her at the hallway. Surprise! They say laughing. She covers her face surprised and looks at all of them. Pack your bags girl, Goa is on Vedika says. Wait, all of a sudden without any planning. Just like that she asks. You won't need a planning when it's with your friends he says and pushes her back into the room. Now take a shower, pack your bags and make it quick he says closing the door. She laughs to herself, good this is surreal she says and quickly takes a shower. She wears short top with a denim shorts and her sneakers. She quickly packs her bags with everything she finds and rushes out of the room. She finds Arjun waiting for her seated on the couch; he gets on his feet looking at her. He smiles looking at her and takes her bag, later they all start off the journey. Glad you agreed to it, I thought of a lot of ways to get you agree to it he says. I'm happy we are all getting to hang out like this together after a long time. That's one reason I agreed on tagging along she says looking out if the window, he smiles to himself. She messages her mother about their small trip. "Hey mom, I'm sorry I couldn't tell you before, I just found out but I'll be going out with my friend for about a week and will be home, hope to see you and dad home by then, Love you". She puts her phone aside and they talk all the way long. The sun goes down as they stop by for a while. Riya runs to Nisha and hugs her, I missed you she says, even after having him by your side she says. Shut up Nisha she says and both laugh.  After some rest the others leave except Riya and Arjun. Riya leans against the car looking up at the sky. She hugs herself feeling cold when she feels something warm around her. She turns and looks at Arjun standing next to her. You were cold he says. I'm fine she says, yea whatever you say madam, he says offering her a bottle of breezier. Where's yours she says looks at him confused. No alcohol, I've to drive he says. She nods and takes a sip from her bottle, she follows him. They tease each other and finish their drink. Shall we leave? He says opening the door for he ans she gets in.

It was past midnight by the time they were by the hotel. Riya was fast asleep in her seat. Arjun gets down his car and walks towards the other's waiting for them to come. They get inside and get their respective rooms. Arjun gets to the reception; I want a single master room, he says and returns one key card back. He turns and finds Nisha behind him. What are you upto Mr. Roy, she says. You'll find out soon he says and jogs past her back to his car. He gets back onto his seat and leans back turning to Riya. She looks tired and still beautiful as ever, he keeps his eyes on her taking in all her beauty just by looking at her. He then slowly caresses her cheek calling out her name. Hey Riya wake up, we're here he says. She jerks by his touch and slowly opens her eyes and finds him looking at her. She sits straight adjusting herself as she looks outside, where are the others? She asks. They've already gone and we need to check in now he says. She looks at him and smiles. Let's go she says and gets down the car with her bag. Arjun puts out the suit case and walks to her, shall we she say when he stops her. What's wrong she says looking at him, the thing is we've got to share a room he says. She looks at him not wanting to show him how happy she was. Oh well I guess we don't have a choice but to I guess we can manage she says taking the keycard from his room and walks inside, and he follows her smiling to himself. She enters into the room and the room itself looks gorgeous with the dim lights and the moonlight scattering into the room. She smiles feeling amazed by the scenario. She looks around the room and rushes forward when she finds the balcony. Wow! This is Exquisite she says taking in all the beautiful scenery into her mind. We've got a long day tomorrow so time for bed he says. She looks at him with doe eyes. You can't trick me like this Riya he says. She ignores him and walks into the shower, later she comes out in a while wearing a white t-shirt that cover her upper thighs. Arjun sips water from his bottle when he chokes it looking at her. She rushes to him and Pat's his head. He slowly starts talking, why you are wearing mine he asks her? She looks at him annoyed and gets to the other side of the bed; as if I got enough time to pack she says and lay on the bed. Good night he says smiling to himself. She murmurs’ in her sleep, he laughs at her as he drifts off to sleep.

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