Chapter- 1

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"The moment you look at me you come to me smiling and pull me closer. Closer enough for me to feel your breath hovering over my lips; you then slowly lean closer and kiss me on my lips. I closed my eyes holding onto you kissing you back; and when I open my eyes I see you walking away from me. That night flashes right in front of my eyes making tear roll down my eyes. You were gone, leaving me alone in the darkness". Riya sit on her bed with half opened eyes looking at the light entering her room, she wipes away the tears from her cheek as she hugs her knees to her chest resting her head on them. 2 years had passed since everything came to an end, when they parted ways. Things had changed and she couldn't, all she could do is going back to that day as though time had stopped around her. All she could think about was him and that was how her days went by every day. Today was the day he'd come back from Sweden and she was still not sure how she would face him when the least he could do is look at her. She couldn't find the courage to face him; scared he'd walk away from her just like the way they parted. Can I ever get over this she thought? Can I get rid of him and his thoughts from my mind and just move on; every time she tries forgetting, she's reminded of the past. The past she wants to run away from, the past that she wants get rid of; and the past that keeps haunting her in her dreams. They felt more like nightmare now she thought when the alarm rang and she's pulled out of her thoughts reminding her it's time to face reality and not the past. It was a sharp December morning, and the steam of the hurrying craft was dazzling white in the early sun. She gets out of her bed tiptoeing finding her slippers as the floor was freezing. She covers herself with a shawl and runs downstairs. Her Mother sat by the dining table looking into her laptop. Hey mom good morning, she says and she hugs her. Morning baby, c'mon have some breakfast, her mother says looking at her; they finish their breakfast together. Riya I have a meeting to attend and few more amends to make. I won't be home, take care of you she says, she smiles at her mother. Her mother gets up to leave when she stops her. Mom, she says holding her hand. She then moves forward and hugs her; have a safe journey she says. She smiles at her mother and heads backs to her room.

Later that morning she leaves for her college. It had been years since she graduated and she was there today to meet her professor. She parked her car and walked inside when someone holds her from behind; Riya stops in her tracks stunned for a moment. She slowly looks down and places her hand on the hands when she hears a familiar voice. Hey Riya; Nisha says looking at her from behind, Riya relaxes and she feels pity on herself for expecting something silly. Nisha and Riya have been friends since they were kids, in fact they're more like sisters. Just as they start walking someone jumps onto them from behind. They turn and see Vedika breathing heavily; you don't have to run so fast. Look at you all covered with sweat; Riya says as she grabs a tissue wiping off the sweat from her face. She was Vedika; the third one from their group, they never do anything without each other. Practically sticking together in everything they do. They enter the professor cabin when he smiles at them. He greets them, I'm really happy you came to find me he says looking at them smiling. Of course sir; we missed you and your class the most professor, Vedika says. You don't have to impress me anymore Vedika. I'm no longer your professor he says, all of them bursts out laughing. After talking to their professor they sit in the canteen for some snacks. As they eat Vedika starts talking. Oh yea. Arjun's came back and Ved just meet him by the airport coincidently when... She says and cuts herself there when Nisha steps her on her leg signing her to shut up. She sits quietly; we have a get together in the evening and everyone are invited so are we, Vedika says. Before Riya could speak she cuts her off. Not a word babe. We are all going and that's final she says, Riya agrees with out arguing anymore.

That evening, Riya gets dressed and starts the car following the direction on the navigator only to realize which place that was; it was too late for her to do anything. I can't believe you guys had to choose this place of all the places existing in the city she says and she parks her car. Nisha had invited her boyfriend Sushanth along and she was coming with him. Vedika and her husband Ved were coming together while Riya was all alone. She wore a black off shoulder short dress with a pair of Matt black high heels. She let her black hair free with little touch up and red lipstick, she looked gorgeous as she was already beautiful. She gets out of her car and men there couldn't just stop staring at her as she walked towards the door; she then waits for Nisha and the others at the entrance when she spots a similar looking face walking towards the entrance. As he gets closer she recognizes the person she least expected to see; it was Arjun. He was on a call and looked a little distracted to notice her; he was dressed in all black with a pair of white Snickers and a blazer. Their eyes meet as he walked closer to her and Riya looks at him clearly stunned, she felt numb and lifeless as she looked at the man walking towards her; it's him. It's A..Arjun, as the only thing running in her mind. Just then someone holds her hand and pulls her towards the entrance; she turns to find Akash next to her. Akash and Riya have known each other for years now and they were more than best friends until she found out he had grown feelings for her, and since the time Riya and Arjun broke up they too seemed a little distant from each other though he tries to get back with Riya. Hey everyone's inside what are you doing outside its cold he says looking at her. Riya couldn't focus on Akash and all she could see was Arjun who was still looking at her as Akash drags her to the door; he drapes his jacket around her shoulders when she looked at him puzzled. Remember only couples can enter so let's pretend to be one until we enter he says as he puts a hand around her shoulder, Akash she says trying to argue but he cuts her off. I'm only trying to get us inside Riya and please for one can you trust me and play along he says looking at her. Letting out a sigh she turns away from him. They stand in the queue waiting to enter when Riya feels a familiar presence behind her; and to her surprise he was standing right behind her. She could never forget his scent and was totally aware of his presence behind her, his scent of wood and spice that invaded her mind completely and she could hear him breathing but he didn't utter a word. In a while they finally enter and Riya returns the jacket back to Akash. Thank you she says returning his jacket and walks past him, he smiles as he followed her behind; Akash please she says stopping him. Can you not follow me around, you know better than anyone; things between us us can never be the same as before so stop trying to be so good and lets just stay away from each other she says walking away. Akash glanced at her as she marched away from him. Riya finds her friends seated by the lounge, you know I've been waiting for you guys out there she says looking at her friends as she walks closer to them. Nisha turns to her; I did call you but you did not answer my calls she says. You are already here anyways why all the fuss let's just enjoy our night Nisha her best friend says. Riya sighs taking a seat next to her, I'm letting it slide only this time babe she says smiling at her, ok and I'm really sorry Nisha says looking at Riya. That night they finish their drinks as they hit the floor shaking their body to the music, Vedika starts dancing as her favorite song starts playing. Nisha and the others danced along; c'mon Riya the night has just started Nisha says. No I'm tired already, I'll be here you guys go I'm not going she says. You okay Nisha asks her? She smiles at her friend, never better she says. I'll be back she says and joins the others. Riya sits on her seat looking into her drink when someone taps on her shoulder from behind. She turns to find a man behind her. Hope you don't mind me sitting here he says? Not at all, it's all yours she says and takes a sip of her drink. Thanks, he says and sits on the seat. Nice to meet you; you are he says looking at her offering his hand? Riya, she says taking his hand and smiling at him. That's a nice name, I'm Ishaan. Well, I wanted to ask you if you could join me for a dance he asks. Thanks but I'm afraid I won't be able to; I'm not in the mood right now so if you'll excuse me she says. She finishes her glass and gets up from her seat when he holds her hand. Hey wait, you don't have to walk away for that; you don't have to dance if you omt want to. We could talk instead he says; she turns towards him and before she could react when she feels a warm hand embrace her by her shoulder. Is there a problem love; she hears a voice. She turns to see a familiar face looking at her smiling. No! nothing; she says looking at him as though it was the first time she's ever seen him, it was Arjun to her surprise. The guys let's go of her hand, I'm sorry but could you excuse us; she's been waiting for me and i happe to be a little late he says looking at the man. I'm sorry buddy, my bad he says and walks away. She looks at the guy as he walks away; and in an instant he takes his hands off her, she feels a ting of disappointment in her. I'm sorry I just wanted to help he says. I should actually thank you she says finally speaking to him. That was nothing; so how have you been he asks looking at her with a faint smile on his lips? She looks at him and she could finally look at his fae clearly. Noting had realy changed and he still looked as intimidating as ever. His dark eyes searched hers as though he was wanting for her to speak. There was a lot going on in her mind the moment she looked at him, she wanted to tell him how much she missed him, how she wanted to run into his embrace but couldn't, how she dream's of him every time she missed him and that had slowly turned into nightmares tha haunt her almost every night. She clears her throat puting her thoughts away. I've been good she says smiling at him looking away as she found it hard to look at him in the eye, he nods at her words. Congrats; heard you're finally doing what you've wanted all you life he says, his words hit her hard as she tries not to show it on her face. Yea! It just happened and here I'm hanging out with my friends she says looking at her friends dancing. She just wanted to run away from there; she did not want to show him how hurt she was when he looked absolutely fine. Just then someone calls him out, he turns and waves at them. Cool! Looks like I'm in need there see you around he says and leaves. She looks at him as he walks away from here; she turns her back at him and rushes to the restroom without anyone's notice. She locks herself inside and let's all her pain out as tears roll down her face, the past 2 years flashed in front of her eyes and she couldn't ease herself form the pain that weighed her heart. Se clenched her chest as she falls in her knees, she felt loss of oxygen and her vision going blurry; she keeps getting calls from her friends. With shaky ands she answers he call, Nisha. The restroom she says unable to speak, before she spoke again the call ended; she dials her number again when she hears a knock on thr door. Riya open the door she says, soon she let's herself in; what's wrong Riya she says holding her in her arms letting her cry out her pain. It was... It was him Nisha she says sobbing, soon she grabs her pills from her bag as helps her take them; Riya holds onto Nisa crying oh al her pain until she felt the lightness in her chest. When she finally stopped crying Nisha pulled away looking at her, her brows her furrowed as worry flashes her face. I'm sorry i had to call you she says, don't be silly babe; even if it wasn't wedding I would still come running to you the moment you called she says holding her face between her hands. Now tell me she says, Riya tells her everything right from the start and how she felt while she spoke to him. It seems like it was me alone suffering whil he looks I don't know maybe fine she says. Riya it's been 2 years already, and dont you think it's time you finally move on Niha asks her? Maybe moving on is really harder for me she says. Nisha kets our a heavy sigh as he looks at her, let's forget that and get you out of here; maybe you'll feel better she says. Let's ho se says when Nisha stops her, fix you face first; you looks like sit she says.

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