Buddies Forever.

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Eris: We should be gettin' close.

Haumea kept silent for a moment, before speaking in an uneasy voice.

Haumea: I-I don't think doing this is...right.

Eris looked back at Haumea.

Eris: Wh- you can't back out now!

Haumea: Just accept it- you were demoted because we voted for you to be booted out!

Eris: Don't use that excuse- you're helping me right now to get back at Pluto, aren't you? You're going against what you are saying.

Haumea stopped talking.

Eris: Exactly. Now keep up.

With Charon and Pluto...

Charon: Aight, the plan is all set.

Pluto: Should I do this? I-I mean-

Charon: Ey! Of course, you do! You can't hide your grudge forever against Eris, the largest dwarf planet!

Pluto: But-

Charon: NO BUTS! It's gonna happen, whether you want it to or not!

Pluto stopped following.

Pluto: Hear me out— I understand what you're saying but...

Charon: Listen to yourself, Pluto! You are the leader of a whole Dwarf Planet group, with celestial objects almost your size! You beat Eris in the election, you have to man up if you plan to keep that role!

Pluto: LISTEN-

Charon: Pluto- do you want me to...

Charon sighed

Charon: Do you want me to be deadline honest with you?

Pluto: Go at it.

Charon: You've been acting like a submissive fuckin'  dwarf planet! Ever since you got demoted. Pluto! Nobody cares you got demoted! Just be yourself.

Pluto: You're right...

In the distance, someone called out, and a familiar voice was recognized.

Haumea: Pluto!

Pluto turned around, and Charon watched.

Haumea: Look... Eris is kinda- out for blood against ya... because of- someone... but listen - you've gotta-

Pluto: Oh no worries, Haumea. Charon and I already have something planned!

Haumea looked back.

Haumea: So uh...I can show you where she is.

Charon intervened.

Charon: Show us.

To be continued.

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