Historic Buddies (Birthday episode)

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Moon/Luna was taking some time off, so he decided to visit Mercury.

Moon: Mercury!

Mercury turned around.

Mercury: Luna? What brings you over here? Did Earth give ya another break or something?

Moon nodded.

Moon: Yeah, I was gonna visit Mars or Venus originally, but they have their own thing going on, and the Gas Giants are way too far...

Mercury: Well what can I say? I just stay out of trouble.

Moon: You know... I remember our past- sure we may not have a huge connection past, but as in buddies! We've been friends for like what? A few million years now.

Mercury: Yeah... I remember when I got a bit arrogant when I got my temporary Glow-Up- I'm still sorry about that...

Moon: Ah, that was all in the past it's fine now!

Mercury: Thanks, I-

Mercury was abruptly cut off by the yelling of Earth.

Earth: MOON! Your time is over!

Moon sighed.

Moon: Sorry- my time is quite limited but until we meet again!

Mercury nodded and headed back into his orbit- the same with Moon/Luna.

I decided to make a weird/fun little episode since it's my birthday today, and I didn't wanna leave PlanetAdventure abruptly on my day!

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