PlanetAdventure Of 2024.

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Deep beyond in the SolarSystem...Yet..just a few kilometers from the Oort Cloud...There's Tres-2b and Corot-7b. Both brought by Ceres.

Ceres:We are here guys!

Corot-7b:Yeah yeah whatever! Listen let's just get this Greet&Meet over with. Never said I  was staying.


Ceres:We are still quite far from The SolarSystem. While we are in boundaries of the sun we aren't in the solar system..quite yet.

??:Who dares enter..?

Ceres:Who are-

Planet X:Oh..And who may you guys be?

Tres-2b:We aren't interested we're just tryna get this meet&greet over with.

Planet X:Oh yea? Well are you interested in...power? Like ruling over other planets bigger than you?

Corot-7b:No we aren't.

Ceres:Hey...aren't you that planet that got abandoned by Uranus?

Tres-2b:Planets don't have an anus.

Ceres:NO! I meant like- There's a planet called Uranus and-

Corot-7b:Is this a joke?

-With earth-

The sun:Good..everybody is gathered..we cherish this new year!

Earth:Wonder what's coming for us this time!

Mars:Well let's get this party started!


Planet adventure 2024!

(More Episodes Soon)

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