The forgotten friend. (1/3)

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-A quiet time in the SolarSystem-

Uranus:Oi, Neptune!

-Uranus sounded Australian (accent wise)-

Neptune:Uran- Uranus..Why are you doing a fake accent? Is it because of that stupid joke contest I did literally like a few years ago?

-Uranus talked normally-

Uranus:What? Those times when all the planets would gather up to have a fun game or party time for like an hour or two? Heck yeah! Those were fun as hell! Though..I wish we could still do them..

-Neptune sighed-

Neptune:Heh..yeah I do too! We still see the inner/terrestrial planets often from Time-to-Time but like..when's the last time we had a real party with the other two gas giants?

-Uranus took a moment to process what Neptune said-

Uranus:Oh! Jupiter and Saturn? Yeah those two...I mean they're still cool! They don't really hang out with us not really as often as they used to.


-Neptunes voice changed from a natural tone to an intrigued and curious tone-

Neptune:What in the heck happened to Saturn?

Uranus:What do you mean? Saturn is still in the SolarSystem in his orbit somewhere.

Neptune:No-like..When's the last time Saturn has actually done something with us?

-Uranus thought for a good minute-

Uranus:I-uhh..I actually don't know..maybe Saturn just doesn't like getting into drama?

Neptune:No but like- for the past like few years now a lot of drama has happened but he hasn't really done anything..

Uranus:Yeah that's true, maybe we could find em and ask him why?

Neptune:Well-uhh yknow I'm kinda busy later which later is in like the next twenty minutes which hardly isn't enough time to find Saturn go without me if you do.

-Uranus looked a bit disappointed-

Uranus:Alright, I'll find him hopefully.

Neptune:Alright, seeya later Uranus!

Uranus:You bet!

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