The past of Ur- PFFT- Uranus!

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Neptune:Hey U-

Uranus:Don't you dare make a Uranus joke.

Neptune:Wasn't planning on it but "Uranus" don't be such a big bully.

Uranus:I keep telling you pronounce as "Your-a-nis"

Neptune:You literally said Uranus though and I was gonna say it the correct way.


Neptune:How'd you become tilted

Uranus:You don't remember?

Neptune:Not at all.

Uranus:Well million's of not billion's of years ago..i was hit by multiple earth-sized object's.

Neptune:But how?

Uranus:It's said to be moons or dwarf planet's who knows..

Neptune:Wait aren't we all tilted?

Uranus:Well yes besides Mercury..but i have a sideway's tilt.


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