The Original Trio! Part(3/3)Finale!

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Mars:Where even are we Earth?

Earth:Uhh...where's Jupiter again? I swear he was here the last time i saw him.

Venus:Oh so "The last time you saw him" You forgot that planets orbit dummy?

Earth:Well- i- Whatever...Mars your the closest planet to Jupiter im pretty sure.

Mars:Yeah, so what?

Earth:You should know where he is!

Mars:The amount of times i hang out with Jupiter is rare.

Venus:Ugh! You idiots! Come on am i the only one here who knows where he is?

Mars:Just take us to him.


Venus:Why are you guy's even trying to get to Jupiter? He doesn't want anything to do with us im pretty sure.

-Mars gasped-

Mars:Of course he does! We're his pals!

The moon:Can we get this stupid discussion over with?

-Venus looked kind of upset but didn't talk back-

Venus:Yeah whatever, follow me guys.

-With Jupiter-

Jupiter:I wonder where Ceres has been..

Mars:Hey down here!

-Jupiter looked downwards to his left-

Mars:Yeah, us down here!

Jupiter:Oh hey lil' dudes! Whatchu need?

Mars:Nothing severe...just wanted to hang out! Yknow?

Jupiter:Never thought you guy's would want to!

Earth:Well you bet we do!

Venus:You oughta bet this was all Earth's idea..

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