The mystery (part 1)

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-It was a quiet and peaceful time in the solar system-

Saturn:Hey Jupiter..

Jupiter:What's up?

Saturn:Do you ever wonder if there's something else out there?

Jupiter:What do you mean?

Saturn:Like..a different planet.

Jupiter:I..i don't really know o mewn the possibilities are endless so..

Saturn:It's doesn't feel complete without a ninth planet.

Jupiter:Those human's on earth didn't want nine of them apparently.

Jupiter:I know I'm usually the up-beat planet but..i dislike those human's for debunking pluto but it makes sense as to why.

-Jupiter began tearing up-

Saturn:Jupiter i-

Jupiter:I'm's just i haven't seen pluto in hundreds of years..almost a thousand.

Saturn:Wasn't pluto debunked in 2006 though?

Jupiter:Yeah but..Yknow I couldn't really..

Saturn:Maybe there is a ninth planet out there.

-Out in far deep vast space far past Sedna's orbit-

???:You know..i haven't seen anyone or anyone else in the solar system besides the sun yet I never interacted with anyone during my entire existence..I'm tired of not's becoming..insane...I'm going insane out here..i can't help know what..I'll force myself in.

-With Jupiter and Saturn-

Saturn:Well we could ask the sun?

Jupiter:Good idea

Jupiter:Hey mars!

-Mars looked behind him and came near the asteroid belt-

Mars:What's up?

Jupiter:Can you ask the Sun if there's possibly a ninth planet?

Mars:Odd question but alright.

-When mars arrived-

Mars:How am i gonna wake him up?

Mercury:Mars what are you doing up here?

Mars:I was given a task or a favor if you will from Jupiter to ask the sun if there's a-

-Suddenly there were loud rumbling noises as if a huge Titan woke up-

The sun:If there's a what?

-Mercury and mars jumped back-


Mars:Don't scare us like that dude..

The sun:Get to the question.

Mars:My question there ninth planet?

The sun:Uhhhh i oddly don't remember..

Mars:So possibly?

The sun:Honestly it was so long ago i can't remember.

The sun:But if it is it's far out there.

The sun:I can't confirm or deny that question.

-Mars's eyes widened-

Mars:Alright thank's..

-The sun went back to sleep-

-Mars rushed back-



Mars:So the sun couldn't remember so he didn't confirm or deny it so possibly.

-Jupiter turned around and looked up-

Jupiter:Possibly there's something out there..


-Mars went back into orbit-


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