The perfect duo!

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Neptune:One two three four..


Neptune:Whats up uran-PFFT- Uranus.

Uranus:....Guess what! Mercury got caught in saturn's gravitational pull now he orbit's Saturn!

Neptune:That's unfortunate.

Uranus:Very unfortunate.

Neptune:Well we can't do anything about it so let it be..

Uranus:Oh come on man..don't do mercury like that.

Neptune:Hey me and mercury barely even interact the last time mercury talked to me was four years ago!

Uranus:That doesn't mean he isn't our friend.

Neptune:Okay...fine...ill help but i don't know how we can.

-7 minutes later-

Uranus:Hey saturn!

Saturn:Yes Ur-uraaaaaannnnuuuuu-

Neptune:Get mercury out of your orbit.

Saturn:I can't!

Uranus:Well if that's so..

Neptune:I know how to fix this.

Neptune:Mercury! Overlap your orbit with titan that should eject one of you.

*As mercury overlapped orbits multiple times he was finally ejected while altering titans orbit*

Mercury:IM FREE!

-Mercury rushed back to his spot-

Venus:And where were you?

Mercury:Long adventure..

Earth:Uhh okay..

-With the gas giants-

Neptune:Now that is done so ill go back to orbit


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