Lost moon of venus:Part 1

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Mercury:I am bored!

The moon:Same

Mercury:AH! Moon...? What are you doing over here aren't you supposed to be over there with earth.

Moon:Well yes but I have a small three minute break.

Mercury:Well what brings you here?

The moon:Just wanted to say mars said your supposedly the lost moon of Venus.

Mercury:Wait what-

Venus:Alright Mercury get over here!


Venus:Your my lost moon!

The moon:Actually no, he isn't.

Venus:So mars lied?

The moon:Yup

Venus:That can't be true! I must have a lost moon.

The moon:My time is up bye fellow's.

Mercury:Venus I think mars was just lying.

Venus:No you must be my lost moon!

Mercury:Seriously I'm not!


Mercury:Most of us if not all of us were formed from the sun or collisions.

Venus:How do you know if you were?

Mercury:Ask the sun.

Venus:Yo sun!

The sun:What?

Venus:How was Mercury formed?

The sun:It was so long ago I can't remember..

Venus:But aren't you in the middle of your lifespan?

The sun:Yeah and..?

Venus:It's not that long ago!

-The sun stared at Venus with a blank face-

Venus:Okay okay I'm sorry..but what if Mercury is my lost moon!

Mercury:I'm not you idiot!

The sun:Nice joke Venus.

Venus:I'm serious! Is he?

The sun:No Mercury is not.

Venus:You are all liars.

Mercury:You wanted the truth.

-Venus went back into orbit in distress-

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