His last wish(2)

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Byungho got discharged after a month of his accident, in this one month jungkook stayed right by his side , taking care of him as much as a 21 years old can.

He was a student himself, he never in his dreams imagined their would be a day where he will get married to a stranger and that stranger would be injured so badly to the point of getting bed ridden for all his life.

In this month, yoongi consulted a number of doctors, however the response was the same . Doctor's prescribed them for physiotherapy, it will help in smooth movement of upper body . Otherwise without proper movement the risk for upper body also increases.

Jungkook has lost his hope that one day byungho could recover, yoongi was still trying to see the bright side , atleast byungho was alive , noticing the intensity of the damage he could have been dead, his secratary was also badly injured. It will take a long time for him to recover.

The driver who lost his life, yoongi compensated his family with a large amount of money.. the truck driver was charged for hit and run, attempted murder, murder and many other road violation charges and is under trial .

This month was not easy for byungho , not only his body , but his soul was also in pain. He was regretting forcing jungkook to the point of breaking down.

Jungkook 's parents and brother often visited him at the hospital. His brother younjun never concealed his dislike for byungho. However his parents would give jungkook face and treated him politely.

In this one month , jungkook didn't talked to him, but for byungho the silence was comfortable. The peace he feel in Jungkook's presence was the reason, he did a sin. A sin to separate two lovers who were ready to sacrifice their life's for each other.

When byungho saw taekook so in love with each other he got selfish, he also wanted a relation like them,.
Instead of going out and looking for a person to fall in love he decided to stole taehyung's lover. He got obsessed over jungkook to the point he blackmailed him into marrying him .

Jungkook's eyes that used to shine like galaxy are now blank and dark. He knew no one can take taehyung's place in jungkook's heart.

He was still selfish and even now didn't want to let jungkook go.

"Jungkook you won't leave me . Right ?" He once asked jungkook.

" I won't" these two words gave him enough hope that jungkook is not gonna leave him alone in this condition.

Yoongi hired two nurses to take care of byungho. He was dependent on the nurse for his care and personal hygiene. The nurses would help him to sit on wheel chair and help him in daily routine like bathing and other washroom activities.

To say he was shameful and embarrassed would be an understatement. He was a young 26 years old man. Before his accident he was considered as one of the most sought out bachelor , he was tall well built and charming.

His elder sister was trying to arrange his marriage with a young beautiful and high society girl. However his heart was set on jungkook from the day he laid his eyes on him.

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