love me again(3)

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The dinner was a peaceful affaire, taehyung full concentration was on food as his thoughts were running wild. Soon the atmosphere got disturbed when mr. Kang's phone rang.

" Excuse me ,mr. Kim, the call is urgent " taehyung nodded at the retreating figure of mr. Kang towards the which he supposed to be a balcony.

" How are you taehyung." Jessi spoke when he saw his husband was out of earshot.

" I am fine , you look good." He said formally. He was trying to hide the hurt he was feeling inside .

" Taetae ,. I am sorry for what I did. I ..." She got cut off by taehyung.

" It doesn't matter Jessi, now I am married." Jessi never expected him to move on so fast and get married, she won't accept losing his pet so easily.

" Taetae I was helpless. my father, he forced me to get married. I -i still love you " the light that flickered in taehyung's eyes made her sure that taehyung has  not completely moved on from her.

" Meet me tomorrow at *** cafe at 11. I will explain everything." Taehyung nodded forgetting that he had an early morning flight to catch and go back to his husband and baby.

Soon he was on his way to his hotel room , today he was feeling a different kind of emotion he haven't felt in a while. Due to his own stupidity he failed to understand that it was his own consciousness telling him to stay away from jesmine.

He ignored his gut feeling completely and slept with the hope of getting explanation from his ex-girlfriend..

In the morning he shot a quick text to namjoon telling him that he couldn't take the flight as he woke up late and will be back by night flight.

Namjoon believed his stupid excuses cuz he trust his brother. There was no reason for him to lie..

Taehyung was extra cheery and energetic today, he told himself that it was just a cLosure between two ex lovers, nothing more. With every step he was taking ,he was pushing his marriage towards the downfall.

When he entered the cafe he saw Jessi already waiting for him, she waved him with a big smile that taehyung used to love .

as he approached the table he was soon engulfed in hug by Jessi, he didn't hugged back ,but he let her hug him . She placed a small kiss on his cheeks and took her seat.

Taehyung felt a little uncomfortable, his gut telling him to run away from there. However he took a seat opposite to her and ordered a hot chocolate.

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