Pretend (4)

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**Mention of character death**

" Chim, it hurts. It hurts so much. My baby ,my kookie he doesn't love me. He was lying . I don't know what to do .  I - i."

There was a long pause only sobs can be heard. eyes of everyone turned teary. Jungkook doesn't understand what he was feeling. He knew the boy fighting for his life ,loves him more than life itself.

"I am going to my grandma." The phone disconnected. Taehyung's grandma was his only living family.

Jimin pulled crying jungkook from his collar and shaked him.

" Why, jungkook why. What bear has done to you. I loved you so much and you..." He fall on his knees . Yoongi hugged him when he saw jimin getting out of breath.

Yogyum who was standing on a side saw everything. He was cursing himself, he was the one suggesting something evil like this. He was regretting, but their was no use of regret now.

Their crying spree was broken when doctor came out of taehyung's room.

" I am sorry, mr. Kim is no more. Please call someone from his family so that his body could be handover."

Jungkook collapsed on the floor. Namjoon with the help of staff admitted him in the hospital. He was the only one who was in the condition to hear and understand things.

Jimin became numb , yoongi saw light leaving his boyfriend's eyes. Taehyung and jimin's bond was  more stronger and deeper than anyone else. With taehyung, jimin has lost a part of his soul.

Jungkook woke up after three hours with only yogyum by his side. He didn't cried he doesn't have right to cry. He was the one who killed taehyung.

Yogyum took him back to his apartment. The apartment was still decorated with lights and cake was still waiting on the kitchen table.

Yogyum handed him a ring that was in taehyung's pants pocket. jungkook realised taehyung was going to propose him. The dam of tears he was holding broke down. He throwed that cake on the floor and started wailing.

Yogyum left him alone and went back to his apartment. He was the main reason of everything and the guilt was eating him alive.

Others were preparing for taehyung's funeral. His grandmother was miserable. Jungkook found himself in standing in a corner of the graveyard.

He saw how taehyung's grandma and jimin were crying. They also saw jungkook but none of them tried to comfort him.

It's been three days and jungkook was a body without a soul. He was still clutching the ring in his fist.

What could have been the most beautiful day of their life became a nightmare for him. When every left he stayed by his lovers grave crying and begging for forgiveness .

The one who can forgive him was nowhere to be found. Days passed for jungkook in blurs. He was not in condition to attend classes or anything else.

Almost one month after his lovers death he came to know that taehyung's grandma also joined taehyung in heaven. The burden of guilt was too much for him.

Yogyum was also crushing under this burden. He took out his name from University and went back to his parents house. He wasn't able to see hatred in the eyes of hoseok.

Hobi loved him dearly but now he hates the boy with every fibre of his body. They haven't forgave jungkook or yogyum. However yogyum moved back to his home town in search of peace.

Jimin lost a piece of his soul along with taehyung, others were worried for him . He became to silent . Yoongi was trying to pull his boyfriend from the darkness.

However jungkook was a whole different story. He stopped talking to anyone. He would spend his day and nights in the apartment he once shared with taehyung.

He didn't changed any of the decoration done by taehyung. The guilt of betrayal was pushing him towards death slowly.

He can't sleep, whenever he closed his eyes, taehyung's tear stricken face would keep moving in his head. He would heard taehyung calling for him.

He lost his senses of reality or illusion. He would sit on a place for hours without even moving am inch. Jin would visit him sometimes and force him to eat.

His friends know what he did was not a mistake but a sin. However they can't change the past. Their hatred for  jungkook would not bring taehyung back.

They can clearly see jungkook's condition and they were sure if jungkook was not got supported they will lose him too. It's been three days when jin last visited him and he was not anywhere near to being fine.

They all decided to keep their hatred aside and help jungkook, to save whatever is left of him.

What they don't know was it's already late very late. Namjin knocked on the apartment door but got no response. Jin opened the door with the extra key that taehyung once gave him.

The apartment was same as the night of taehyung's accident. But today the silence was chilling. They called jungkook's name many time. They decided to check jungkook's room.

Theu saw jungkook sitting on a chair with his back on their side. Jin put his hand on his shoulder and realised jungkook has large cuts on his wrist.

The blood has already dried, namjoon called for ambulance and checked his pulse . But their was nothing. Jungkook's body was blue and cold.

Jin was too shocked to say anything, in the span of two months they lost both of their maknaes. Namjoon called yoongi and hobi.

Ambulance took Jungkook and his parents were informed. It was a clear case of suicide. When yogyum came to know about jungkook, his guilt increased tenfold.

There one stupid mistake pushed taehyung and jungkook to death. What could have been a beautiful fairytale turned into a ugly reality.

Namjoon saw the letter neatly placed on the table along with a ring. He read the letter and realised jungkook hated himself more than anyone of them did..


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