When they have a nightmare

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Tuck, if you didn't know already, had bad nightmares cause he used to be afraid of the dark. He's since gotten over that fear, but here and there, your boyfriend has a nightmare or two. You're often woken up by the soft thuds of Tuck puttering around and getting snacks to curb his nerves. So, being the good girl you are, you allow Tuck to sit next to you and tell you everything about his nightmares. You two are always found in the morning by Robin and Little John, sleeping next to each other peacefully and without a single nightmare at all.

💜Little John💜
Little John's normally a strong and all-around tough boy, but there are times when a couple of nightmares might catch him off guard.Nightmares, like say, you getting injured and dying on his watch.  Throughout all his years living in the forest,Little John has been taught to never cry when faced with pain and sorrow.  However, when you  hear soft sobs coming from your boyfriend's side of the room, you know that something is definitely wrong. After you make yourself scarce and eventually reveal you've been listening to him, you aren't ready for Little John to fling himself into your arms, whimpering and sobbing pitifully. Robin and Tuck will often find you and Little John curled up together, holding each other tightly and his arms wrapped around your shoulders, making sure that you will always stay safe during the night.

Like Little John, Robin is generally strong and has surprising nerves of steel, especially when he's dealing with deadly assassins who are out for his head. When  Robin has nightmares, though, it's mostly about you leaving him for his sworn enemy or not being able to prevent you from dying. These bad dreams are one of the rare times Robin will let his emotions loose. If your boyfriend has a nightmare, you can usually tell by the quiet pitter-patter of feet running on the floor, a click of a bow, and the faint sounds of sobbing on the roof.When Robin has a nightmare, he will often retreat to the roof of the hideout to clear his head and let the tears escape. After you climb up to the roof, your poor pure boyfriend is sitting in a hunched over position and letting out strangled sobs as he grips his hair tight. It's not long before you see a small tear plop onto the wooden roof in the moonlight, and your heart instantly shatters for your boyfriend. A single touch of your hand to his shoulder will make Robin's body automatically stiffen, defenses drawn, but his steeled expression immediately softens seeing you there. When you sit next to him and open your arms, Robin will hesitate a minute before launching himself into your arms, muffled sobs pounding at your chest.You hold your sweet crying green bean until the night ends, recognizing that he needs a moment to let his defenses drop and his tears out. You two will have returned to bed before the sun rises, arms encircling each other. You swore to yourself that if Robin needs comfort, you'd be there in a single fucking heartbeat. There's no way you'd ever leave your poor boyfriend alone....

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