When you're a witch

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If you're a witch, you live in the forest, near the hideout. Tuck occasionally goes to see you for potions and elixirs for his missions with the guys. You start off being a bit wary of him since you have never seen any humans before, but Tuck breaks through your defenses, and with his constant visits, you two quickly become very good friends.

💜Little John💜
Little John would see you occasionally run away from a few villagers brandishing fiery pitchforks who are trying to run you out of town. So, Little John immediately protects you from their wrath with his club up, commenting that if you really were a witch, you would've hurt someone already, and you haven't. As you two get to know each other better, Little John finds that the urge to keep you safe has slowly started becoming stronger than the urge to run from you. You two become good friends, and the constant thrill of seeing him every time makes that friendship turn into something more.......passionate.

Right off the bat, Robin senses purity in you upon seeing you use your magic. If you were ever in danger, he'd swoop in and save you without a hint of hesitation. Marian is a bit unnerved at first, not really sure whether you're like Morgana, then when Robin tells her you use your magic for good, she is immediately on board. You live in a small hut on your own next to the hideout, which allows Robin to make a quick stop to your place on the way home. As the days grow longer and the time shorter, you both become friends, and Robin even allows you a spot in his gang, feeling like you deserve one. The rush of excitement you feel during crazy death-defying missions with him helps that friendship and budding partnership turn into romance.

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