SFW/NSFW Headcannons (Aged Up)

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  Tuck's already pretty good with the physical contact anyway, so he's got that going for him. He also loves to hold your hand and swing it back and forth (he's very childish like that, lol).
Tuck gives you so much adoration and love every day that it's not even funny anymore. Your sweet little berry is a huge cuddle bear when you cuddle together, and you treasure all of those moments with Tuck always.

When Tuck is in one of his moods, you can imagine there's a lot of naughty thoughts going through his head. However, you can never pinpoint just when he wants you so bad. It'll just be a quiet evening, and Tuck will, out of nowhere, bridal carry you to his room. The other boys will often exchange looks cause they know exactly what Tuck's looking for right now. (Wink, wink) When you guys make out, you're slow with it at first since Tuck doesn't really know how to make out yet, but once he gets the hang of it, that boy is on a roll.Apparently, you two are so loud during your makeout sessions Robin and Little John both can't sleep during the night because of the noise you make, which leads to black circles under their eyes and two respectively pissed off expressions in the morning.

💜Little John💜
Little John is already the physical embodiment of pure. Man's got a ton of fangirls that fawn all over him (and tried to kill you, in case anyone forgot) thanks to his lovable and warm personality, so he's got the cinnamon roll thing down. When he announces his arrival, Little John will take a page out of Robin's book and snake his arms around your waist before whispering softly in your ear. Unluckily for him, you've usually got the mallet out, so that usually ends in you giving him a painful smack in the face without realizing who it is. One minute of shimmering green eyes later, though, you're cuddling Little John on the couch cause God knows you can't resist his goddamn puppy dog eyes because they turn you into gushing syrup in a fucking instant.

On the other hand, Little John can become quite clingy when he's "tired." Remember what I said about how bad Little John's social skills are? The sweet, innocent little boy will try to explain that he wants to make out with you, but he ends up flubbing his words and somehow ends up with tired instead. This just leads to Little John facepalming and hauling you over his shoulder to his bedroom like a sack of potatoes with a steaming face. When you make out with Little John, he's the considerate one, always asking whether you're okay or if you need to stop. Little John is also very slow when you both make out, as he's a strong boy and he doesn't want to hurt you by accident. Unfortunately, your cinnamon roll has a lot of pent-up energy to exert during your makeouts, so he may accidentally throw you off the bed and give you a concussion. Maybe not the best makeout partner to have.........


Just like Little John, Robin is an  adorable cinnamon roll when it comes to you. During his walks with you, Robin loves to hold your hand and kiss it to, in his words,"ensure the keeper of my heart gets the love she deserves from me." Awwwww! However, there are some times when Robin's like a fucking mother hen, flocking all over you if you have a bad injury, or immediately rushing in to protect you from something that didn't actually happen. Those traits could be part of Robin's hero personality, as he's constantly looked up to by the citizens of Sherwood.

Of course, that perfect little hero personality will have some cracks in it. Robin becomes more mischievous than usual, wrapping his arms around your waist and kissing your neck, or just burying his face in it. That doesn't always mean you want to make out with Robin all the time, though.Usually, you're wrapped up in a pretty good book or have become so into drawing a picture that you ignore Robin's suggestive advances. When this happens, Robin just uses an arrow and drags you to his bedroom, having to really pull since you pretend to be a heavy object in order to get him to let go of you. When he makes out with you, Robin is usually the dominant one, but he will shift positions since he knows you are strong enough to actually top him. Your makeout seshs are so warm and sticky that in the morning, you and Robin are basically stuck together with sweat (or maybe, that's just one of his glue arrows keeping you together). Best makeout partner ever!

The SFW/NSFW headcannons for our three sweet boys that no one asked for, but everyone got, lol.

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