When you text him

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You: Robin!

Robin: Yes, Y/N?

You: Can I use your bow?

Robin: Huh? What for?

You: I need it to shoot an apple off my head.

Robin: Y/N......please don't tell me you've been watching those weird movies based on me again.

💜Little John💜

    Little John: Yeah, Y/N?

     You: Where are you exactly?

      Little John: At the hideout, a few steps away from the grocery store. Why do you ask?

   You:  You left me at the grocery store!!!
Little John: Oh god, I am so sorry. On my way back to get you.
You: Thank goodness for that.....

You: Hey, Tuck! What are you up to?
Tuck: Hiya, Y/N! To answer your question, I'm on a long mission with Robin right now.
You: Oh geez, sorry! Should I stop texting you?
Tuck: No, no, it's fine! Robin doesn't need me until he gives the signal to unleash my awesome slingshot.
Tuck: Oops. And that was the signal.
Tuck: Robin's coming up here. He doesn't look happy. I'd better go, Y/N, before he starts shooting his arrows at me.
You:  *giggle* Bye Tuck.

👑King Richard 👑
You: Hello, my lion! How are you today?
Richard: Doing just fine, my queen! I miss you so much, though.....
You:Miss you too.
You: I can't wait to see you later, Richard. Hopefully, my shift shouldn't take too long today.
Richard: I can't wait either! It feels like so long since we've seen each other....
You: Richard, honey, we saw each other yesterday.😑
Richard: It feels longer to me!!😭😭😭

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