When you see them cry

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It was almost the afternoon as you reached the hideout. You had a long day with all the cooking you had to do today. You didn't mind, of course. Making recipes for over a dozen people in the village just took a lot out of you, and you were looking forward to cuddling with Robin after all that.
Suddenly, you heard yelling reside from the den, and your boyfriend came storming out. He turned back around and yelled,"Fine, lead the gang. "See if I care, which I don't!" Robin jumped into a tree and started climbing away through the forest, quiet sobs following in his wake.
You decided to follow him and jump into the same tree, using the moves your lovable greenie taught you. When you finally arrived at your destination; the place where you guys first met, Robin was waiting for you.
"I could hear you coming, you know." He remarked, a sad smile on his face. You sighed and sat next to him, putting a gloved hand on his shoulder."What's wrong, honey?"
Robin sighed, tears pricking at his eyes. "We almost failed a mission today because I didn't account for a third brigand coming out of nowhere and shooting Tuck in the chest." You gasped. "He's okay, don't worry. Just resting in the den. "Little John and I had a big fight about it, and he thinks he's a much better advocate to be the leader." Robin sighed, wrapping his arms around his legs. "I wouldn't go back there for a while, N/N. He's still pretty steamed." You held your hand out. "How about we go back to my house until Little John calms down?" Robin looked down for a minute, then took your hand. And so, that's what you two did. Robin may have slept over for the whole night, but when your boyfriend is upset, there's nothing that you wouldn't do for him.

💜Little John💜
You guys were on a mission to capture the brigands, who had escaped from jail yet again. Robin had taken care of the first two, and you were looking around for the other one. Suddenly, you felt a dagger being shoved into your chest, and you couldn't breathe. A brown club came out of nowhere and smacked the third brigand hard in the face, knocking him out cold.
Little John rushed to your side as you fell backward into his arms and closed your eyes in pain. Several hours later, you woke up to a pair of worried green eyes in front of you. "Y/N, you're okay!"I was so scared!" Little John began to cry, which surprised you. Nevertheless, you pulled him close as you whispered hushed reassurances into his ear. This may not have been the best day for you two, but in the end, it was still you and Little John against the world.

You were walking with Robin and Little John when suddenly you heard sobs in the distance. Quickening your pace, you left the boys in your dust as you tried to find out who those noises belonged to. Eventually, you came upon Tuck, who was upset because someone mocked his inventions. With a few chosen words, you sent Robin and Little John after this foolish moron while you consoled your adorable cinnamon roll of a boyfriend right there in the middle of the street.

You were getting ready for a banquet when you heard muffled sobs coming from Richard's room. Confused and concerned, you walked over and wrenched open the door. Your boyfriend sat in the middle of the room, an unzipped suit on his scrawny form. Apparently, Richard was crying because he couldn't get the zipper on by himself, but you knew in your heart that if your boyfriend needed the moon, you would get it down for him, no questions asked.

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