When someone flirts with you

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Tuck at first rolls with it since he knows you wouldn't cheat on him. If the person gets too handsy with you, however, he will step in and warn them that you're his girl, and if they touch you again, then they'll mess with him, and they really shouldn't do that. If that doesn't work, then you'll just kick them in the shin and drag Tuck away by the hand. Not before Tuck shoots one last glare at that simpleton who tried to touch you, and threateningly raises his slingshot in retaliation in case he comes back.

💜Little John💜
Little John is as pure as the eye can see, so he doesn't realize that person is actually trying to harm you and thinks you're dabbling in harmless fun. When you shoot him a terrified look, though, that's when the pieces click, and Little John quickly storms over there. If the guy doesn't recognize Little John and keeps putting his hands all over you, chances are that your big strong boy will bring out the big guns, which is, in this case, his lucky little club. The guy does somewhat well of hiding it, but he looks pretty terrified when Little John gets all up in his face and demands him to stay away from you, all the while brandishing his club and pushing it directly into their face to get his point across. You have to pull Little John away at that point cause he'll just keep threatening to pummel the guy into the ground if he tries to touch your private parts again and you love your boyfriend, really, you do, but you don't want second-hand embarrassment to spur out of Little John's protective manly instincts.

Robin usually tries to solve all of Sherwood's problems with peace and prosperity since he's the town hero and pillar of justice. So, your boyfriend will try to de-escalate the situation between you and another man when you catch him touching your body parts, saying it probably wasn't his intention to actually touch them. However, when you yell at Robin that he touched your ass, let's just say his perfect little hero demeanor changed faster than lightning. That man who tried to touch you inappropriately gets his just desserts in the form of a green tipped arrow pressed against his skull hard enough to draw blood and Robin's coldest glare ever, warning him to touch no part of you again or else he'd make sure to dispose of him quickly and painfully. Given how sharp Robin's arrows are, something tells me that he ain't kidding about trying to harm that guy with them.

He's, of course, happy when the guy finally leaves, and you kiss him, loving his protective vigilante side.

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