If you break up with them💔

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Tuck is saddened when you come to the hideout just to tell him your relationship is over. He tries to run after you, but you simply hold up a finger, and with teary eyes, leave Tuck standing there alone. Little John and Robin try their best to comfort him, but it ain't enough, and poor thing spends every night crying over you. Tuck misses you so much that it hurts, and he just wants you back....

💜Little John💜
Little John is taken aback when he's told you want to break up. One minute, you guys are vibing. The next, you're shattered into millions of tiny glass pieces, like a goddamn mirror.Little John practically begs you to take him back and says he'll apologize for whatever he did, just come back to him already. Poor sweet, innocent cinnamon roll spends hours and precious seconds of his time sitting on the fountain, thinking bout you. Little John absolutely cannot live without you, and to be more precise, neither can the rest of the gang......

Robin will immediately chase after you as soon as you tell him your relationship is over, and he will beg you to tell him it's not true. Once you confirm that you do want to break up with him, Robin is heartbroken and walks away from you, upset you think so little of him. Honestly, your green bean is in complete emotional shambles after the whole break-up thing, shutting himself in his room and crying hysterically whenever someone brings you up. Robin's mood is starting to affect the rest of the gang, and they want the old Robin back........

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