When you, Marian, and Scarlett hang out

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Marian and Scarlett are the ones who introduced you to the gang some time ago, so you owe most of your dates with Tuck to them. You guys will often hang out at the apple cart or go back to the castle and get pedicures. Prince John doesn't say it, but he actually likes it when you come over. You're a lot quieter than Marian is, and you never take up any of this time. All of the castle staff adore when you guys hang out cause you seem like such a great trio to be around. That isn't to say your boyfriend isn't a tiny bit worried when you come home later than usual because you were "chatting about him" with the girls.

💜Little John💜
Nah, you three will probably just get tipsy at the bar. Marian will encourage you to drink more cause 'it's the weekend' and you have nowhere else to be. You are the first person to get drunk before anyone else, and you end up with an awful hangover in the morning.Unfortunately, Little John may or may not be called in the middle of the night because 'somebody,' not blaming anyone in particular, thought it was a good idea to leave you there alone while you slowly tore yourself apart in the middle of the bar. The bar isn't the best place for you guys to hang out, but when you want to get rowdy and act crazy, that place is there for you.

When you, Marian, and Scarlett hang out, you usually go out to eat at a restaurant down the street, across from Sherwood Forest. Robin has begged you to let him come with you, but like most of the times that he's asked, you shoot that question down because it's a girl's day, no boys allowed. You three end up getting the most expensive meals and desserts at the restaurant (cause God knows Marian can afford it since she's a stinking princess). There have also been a couple of incidents where some boys thought they could flirt with you at a place where you let your guard down. Thankfully, Marian and Scarlett step in when things appear to go further than you thought, freezing the fellows with Marian's magic. Robin is furious when he finds out about those boys, but you're honestly just happy you have such great friends that always have your back when the chips are down.

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