Their reaction to self harm

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⚠️Trigger warning⚠️

Nope. Just nope. Before you even get the chance to cut yourself, one of Robin's arrows would swoop in and pin the knife to the wall. As soon as Robin jumps into the room, he starts lecturing you about trying to take your own life in that manner. Poor boy immediately feels like shit for not noticing the signs of self harming earlier and starts tearing up, having almost lost you. It's at this point that you stand up and wrap your arms around Robin's chest, hearing his silent sobs pounding against your stomach. Yeah, due to being the heroic rogue he is, Robin will never let you kill yourself. Never in a million years would he let you go.

💜Little John💜
Little John is incensed when he sees you cutting your arm and bashes the knife away with his club. Once he's gotten the knife a safe distance away so that you won't get to it again, Little John kneels down and takes your hands, asking in a gentle tone why you felt the need to try and end your life as such. Little John stays with you the entire day, assuring that he and the gang will always care about you.

Unlike the other two, Tuck doesn't get so lucky. His first reaction upon seeing you laying in a bloody mess on the ground with a knife in your hand is to run to your side and yell for Robin to call 911. Robin and Little John help, but Tuck practically bridal carries you all on his own to the nurse, praying that you would be okay. Once you're awake, Tuck is immediately worried about you and asks why you didn't tell him you were harming yourself like this. When you sigh quietly, with thinly veiled emotion, Tuck holds you close and begs you to tell him when you feel this way again. He never wants to see you like that again. That was his worst nightmare in the history of ever.

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