Which of you cooks

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You both cook, actually. Robin is a pretty good chef, mainly cause he has an aunt that taught him well about the logistics of cooking and baking.However, you mostly handle the cooking since your lovable rogue is usually out on a mission until the afternoon and once he's home, passes out on the couch till dinner is ready. Robin has asked you multiple times if you wanted him to cook for you, but you always say no because tbh, you like just having something prepared for you guys to eat, and cause you love seeing that sweet smile on his face when you make a meal for him.

💜Little John💜
Little John does. You're so horrible at cooking that even Beak won't eat it, and he's a bird! You have tried, but you're just awful at it. You made a quiche once but ended up giving poor Robin food poisoning cause you put a motherload of salt in there. You realized that only after when Robin's face turned very pale, and he started clutching his stomach. Robin had to stay in bed for a few weeks until Marian and Scarlett nursed him back to full health. Anytime you step into the kitchen, Robin and Tuck will immediately book it cause they are wise to your disgusting cooking....

You do. Tuck is a really bad chef in the kitchen. Whether it's a small quiche or a full-scale meal, he will screw it up big time. But hey, what did you expect from a boy who can barely play a tune on a fucking flute? Tuck makes a huge mess while he's cooking, and once, he almost burnt the hideout down by overcooking beef goulash. By the time you, Robin, and Little John got back to the hideout, the entire kitchen smelled of smoke, and Tuck was covered in food from head to toe. So yeah, that's why you guys never let him set foot in the kitchen ever again unsupervised....

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