When you get kidnapped by the fangirls

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You struggled in your bonds as the fangirls smirked, sharpening their knifes on the metal wheel behind them. You were so pissed off at this cause you were supposed to go on a date with Tuck today, but noooo.....

"Soon, you'll be a splattered mess of blood on the ground, Y/N~," the leader of Tuck's gaggle of demons snarled, pointing their knife in your face. "Then Tuck-senapai will be all ours to cherish and love~!"
"Aren't you guys overreacting just a bit? Is tying me to a tree and threatening to stab me really necessary to gain Tuck's approval?" You huffed in annoyance. In truth, that's literally what Tuck's fangirls did. Well, they followed you back to the hideout for some random reason and kidnapped you, threatening to kill you in order to satisfy their lord Tuck's hunger. Fucking fangirls.....
"Ugh, yes!" "Now shut up and let me kill you!" the leader growled and thrust her knife in your direction. You cringed and looked away, hoping Tuck would save you from these crazy people. Fortunately, you didn't have to wait long as a rock was flung in the leader's direction, knocking the knife  out of her hands. "I appreciate the sentiment, guys, but I really only love Y/N. Thank you for the lovely...display of affection." a familiar voice commented, and your boyfriend appeared, holding his slingshot.
"Tuck!" You exclaimed, a real smile showing up on your previously deadpan face. Tuck walked over to you and undid your bonds with a smirk, kissing you on the lips once you were free. "I didn't come in too late, did I?" "No my sweet berry, you came at just the right time." You kissed him back in happiness, a seed of pride blossoming in your chest seeing the fangirls seethe in anger at your affection for one another. Most of them, anyway. One fangirl happened to be drying her eyes with a hankie. Seeing you guys be so caring towards one another made her so overwhelmed with joy and love.

💜Little John💜
"Oh, come on, guys!" "Was all of this set-up really necessary just to get rid of me?" You groaned in irriation, struggling to get out of the tight ropes the fangirls had tightened twice, just to make sure you didn't escape.
The leader growled and stuck an apple in your mouth. "Shut it, girlie! May I remind you that you are our food! So shut up and be OUR FOOD!"
Yes, it's exactly what you guys are thinking. You were being fucking eaten by a horde of your loving boyfriend's fangirls. Believe me, you were weirded out as well. How you ended up in this mess is a hell of a story. You were on route to see Little John at the hideout when these fucking weirdos snuck up on you and paralyzed you with snake venom.
Now, you were stuck on a skewer, watching as the precious seconds of your life dwindled down to nothing before these scatterbrained lustful demonesses scavenged all of your body parts like they were vultures picking at your demented corpse.
"Once you're out of the picture, Little John-senapai will finally love us instead of you!" The leader cackled, moving the tip of her fiery spear to the side of your face. You winced in pain cause that thing burned like fucking hell in a fucking basket.
"Now die!" The leader yelled, throwing her spear directly at your stomach. You closed your eyes and waited for the pain of cold, wet blood, but it never came. Opening your eyes, you saw a familiar brown club blocking the spear from hitting your stomach. You gasped. "Little John?!"
"Hey, Y/N, am I too late for the save?" Little John snarked, undoing your ropes. You shook your head. "Mm mm. You're right on time, my love."
"Little John-senapai!"Run, he shan't know what we were doing to his girl!" The leader of the fangirls yelled in terror, booking it immediately, her band of misfits following behind.
Once they were gone, Little John took your hands. "Are you okay, Y/N?"They didn't hurt you much, did they?"Maybe I should take you to the doctor if that's the case, then." Little John commented in a worried tone, his green eyes shining with fear.
You smiled at your boyfriend's kindness and pure heart. "Thanks to you, I'm just fine, Little John." Little John smiled. "Good, then I can do this." Without any warning, Little John dipped you and kissed you tenderly on the mouth, cementing his love for you all in one fell swoop. You smiled and leaned in, knowing that Little John would always save you no matter what the cost of his life is.

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