Req. N51. Pills (Cucurucho X BBH) (QSMP)

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Request for g8ychild

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Request for g8ychild


"Cucurucho!" - i scream at the top of my lungs.
Fortunately, everyone on the island is sleeping, including the eggs. A second later, Cucurucho appeared in front of me.
"Good morning."
"Oh, Cucurucho. I.. I need help." - i said.
"What's happened?" - Cucurucho said.
I felt a little nervous, as i always do when talking to Cucurucho. Plus, i've been feeling really nervous lately. Thank god i didn't lose my temper with the kids. But the kids said i looked a little exhausted. Dapper and Pomme began to worry about me. Their concern made me a little happy. I love my children. I exhaled and said: "So... I need something that will paralyze but not numb the nerves.."
"What do you need something like that?" - asked Cucurucho.
"Well.. Lately my mood has begun to change dramatically. And because of this, i may one day lash out at the kids, for no reason. And i don't want that. So.. I thought that you, as always, could suggest something for this. Some kind of cure. Or.. I need to see a doctor. Well.. You know.. I just needed some advice from you." - i tried to explain, scratching the back of my head.
For few minutes, Cucurucho writes something in the book. I'm just patiently waiting for further action.
"I have what you need." - Cucurucho said.
He held out a small red bottle. I felt it. I have to eat pills.
"Ok. These are pills. I'm okay with that." - i said taking the bottle.
"Before you use these pills, you must follow my instructions." - Cucurucho said holding out the book.
I opened the book.

'Come to my office;
eat one pills;
don't go anywhere.'

"Umm.. Okay. I will do it." - i said with difficulty.
These directions look a little strange. But it is our responsibility to do this.

A little bit later.

I'm using warpstone since i already know the location of Cucurucho's office. I teleported. But there was no one in the office. Sigh. Okay. The next instruction is.. I took one pills. They are red. I popped it into my mouth and swallowed. A few seconds and i don't feel anything. Did Cucurucho deceive me? Nothing is happening yet. I sat down on the floor, waiting. A few seconds later, a strange sensation pierced my body. I don't understand what this is. Goosebumps spread throughout my body. My hands begin to stop obeying me and slide over my body. Is it really all pills? This.. I feel like my body is getting hot and something wet in my butt. My hands take off my pants and boxers themselves. I begin to breathe as if from lack of air, standing on my knees.

(the smut has begun)

One of my hands starts sticking fingers into my hole. The other hand is touching my chest under the hoodie. I stop with difficulty and stand up on trembling legs. I barely waddle and leaned on the table. I hear the door creak. Oh no. Is this Cucurucho? I'm trying to straighten out, but i'm out of control. I feel it touch my lower back at the of the spine, and it slides slowly down. It gave me chills. It looks like...a finger. Suddenly it stuck into my hole! I arched my back sharply. It started to move. What is Cucurucho doing? Is he not going to ask me anything? The movements make me not resist. My body moves in its own way. Something has grown in my hole. Looks like Cucurucho added fingers. My hands independently began to slide over my body and touch my thing. The fingers suddenly disappeared.
Suddenly my hips are grabbed by two white paws.
"What? Wait, Cucuru.. *gasp*"
Something easily entered my hole. It's warm, and it looks like it's all in me. It came out of me and entered again. And again. This caused a strange sensation to pierce my spine. And moans themselves began to escape from my mouth. The movements began gradually inside me at an average pace. It literally almost paralyzed me. In addiction to the movements inside, i feel Cucurucho's claws almost touching my thighs. I was able to land my hands on the table using them as support.
"C-Cucurucho. What does all of this mean? What kind of pills did you give me?" - i ask, resisting moans.
I feel like my stomach is starting to burn.
"Aaargh. Faster. Please."
No! NO! Why did i say this? It's crearly the pills' fault! A few seconds later i came arching my back and throwing my head back. A loud moan escaped my mouth. Warm, almost hot feeling inside. The thing came out of me. I catch my breath. Suddenly i turned around sharply and was pushed. My back touched the table. I see Cucurucho looking either at me or at my bottom. Then he lifted my legs. I feel it inside me again. I guessed that it was Cucurucho's thing. Normal movements. I want to believe that this is a dream, but everything is real. I just watch Cucurucho's hips move. I moan feeling the movements inside. The only thing i'm glad about is that the meeting is not shleduled at my house. I don't want kids to see this. Slippery sounds echo through the office as if in my head. I was deceived. It didn't look like nerve pills, it was something else! My stomach is burning again. Acceleration. I've already come to my belly. The movements continue. I fell over onto the table. My tongue stuck out a little. After a few seconds i feel more hot liquid inside. Cucurucho went out with my legs down.

(smut is over)

I catch my breath, feeling the liquid flow out my hole. Should i continue taking the pills? I think not.
"I hope you enjoy the island."
I heard Cucurucho's voice.

(I'm just still surprised that this is the first time i'm making a request for an unusual ship. Please don't judge me)

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