Request N 7. Two secret admires (TechnoHalo X DreamHalo)

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Request for soup_is_good_


There was a call at my door. It's strange, because i'm not waiting for anyone. I looked through the peephole. There was no one. I opened the door. On the carpet lies a medium cardboard parcel with a heart. Love parcel? For me? I quickly took the box and closed the door. It contains a cute pig plush. I quickly took it out and saw behind it angel wings and sewn heart on the tummy. I hugged her tightly to my chest. She's so soft. I noticed that there was some kind of envelope in the box. When i took it out, i saw a heart on it too. Love letter? From whom? I opened the envelope with one hand as i hold a plush in the other.
"Hello my little angel. I have been watching you for long time, and now i want to get to know you. Meet me at the park gate at 7:00 pm. ~ T."
Who is T? Admire? Oh my god! I'm sitting in the living room playing with the pig plush. Again a knock on the door. Who is it this time? I opened the door. On the threshold again a parcel with a heart, but now with a rose flower. I quickly took the parcel, unpacked it. It contains a brown kitten plush. He is wearing a green T-shirt with white smily face. Aww, how cute. There was also another envelope with a heart. I opened it.
"Hi babe. I paid attention to you from the first meeting, and now i want to confess to you my feelings. Meet me at the park gate at 7:00 pm. ~ D."
Second admire? In the same time? Oh my goodness. My smile grew to my ears. Stop! Do these two know each other? There no time to think. It's 6:00 pm now. Luckily the park is a five minutes walk from my house. I didn't know what to wear, but in the end i found something. 6:50 pm. I decided to take two plush gifts with me in my bag. I literally ran to the gates of the park. I looked around discreently with my eyes, hoping to see the admires approaching me, and stroking the plushes in my bag.
"Here you are, little angel."
Wait! This familiar to me. I turned around and saw... Techno and Dream. Now i understood what the initials T and D meant. They were the letters of their names. How i didn't realize before?
"Techno? Dream? So are you my secret admires?" - i asked.
"Of course. Did you just guess now?" - Dream said as he and Techno surronded me.
"Well, you two generally know that there are people with other names T and D." - i say, feeling my cheeks light up.
"Well, that sounds reasonable." - Dream said.
Suddenly i am grabbed by my ass. I gasped as i jumped up.
"Well, let's go back to your house." - Techno spoke in my ear.
What? We're not going anywhere? Thank god i had lunch just in case. I won't go hungry.

Already at home, we stood in the middle of the living room. They unbuttoned my shirt. I feel two hot wet touches on my neck; a pair of hands weakly squeezed my chest; and a warm slip in the crotch area. These make me sob, making sharp jerks. I can see through the slits of my eyes how Dream began to tease my nipples with his mouth and tongue, at the same time he takes off my pants with boxers. I feel Techno touching my ear with his warm tongue, sliding his hot hands over my bare thighs. I moan, but my voice trembles from all these touches. Suddenly i'm matched in wedding style. We moved into my bedroom. I'm thrown onto the bed on my belly. I see out of the corner of my eye how these two quickly undressed.
(smut is began)
Suddenly my butt is grabbed.
"Look at this, Techno. We made it wet." - Dream said.
I feel two fingers inside me.
"But we still have to practice. After all, this is his first time. But who will go first?" - Techno said.
"Rock paper scissors, Techno." - said Dream, continuing to stretch me.
Then he pulled out his fingers.
"Ok. Rock paper scissors shoo. Yes. I am the first." - Dream said.
I hear guys doing something and then i feel like something is stuck in my hole.
"Relax, because i'm coming in." - said Dream.
I feel something entered me in three seconds. I gasped, arching my back. Dream moves at a normal pace. Something pricks my spine and makes my body tremble. I groan, digging my fingers into the bedspread. Every movement brings goosebumps. At some point, i automatically rolled my eyes and breathed with my tongue hanging out, not even noticing how Dream accelerated. My stomach stars to burn. Soon i camed with a loud squeak, while feeling the liquid inside. Dream came out of me, making me whimper.
"Ok. It's my turn now." - Techno said.
I'm turned over my back. My legs are up. Again it entered me.
I feel movement. Opening my eyes, i see how Techno looks at me with his scarlet red eyes moving inside me. I closed my eyes, clutching at the covers. Techno sped up. I tilted my head back, sticking out my tongue again. Why do i feel so good? My stomach is on fire again. I arched my back when i camed again. I loosen my grip as i feel another surge of liquid inside. Techno came out of me.
(the end of smut)
I catch my breath with one hand on my belly. I can feel the liquid flowing out of me. Suddenly, two jets splashed on me. I feel kisses on my cheeks.

Little drawing by me 👇

Little drawing by me 👇

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