Req. N35. Jealousy (Muffinteers)

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Request for ANIM3_SHIPP3R

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Request for ANIM3_SHIPP3R


I take the finished muffins out of the oven. I'm expecting some guests. There's a knock on the door. I quickly and quietly ran to the door. But just in case, i ask: "Who's there?"
Are you asking why? Because i feel 50% that the guys want to make joke of me.
"It's us, Bad. Have you already forgotten about our promise?"
It was Sapnap. But his voice sounds kind of...upset? But i stepped aside and opened the door. My fears were not confirmed. In fact, the guys came...either tired; or upset about something. Their faces are absolutely, not happy. I was a little worried about them.
"Oh, of course not. I never forget our promises. Come on, come on in. I just prepared some muffins for you. Maybe they will cheer you up." - i said with a smile, stepping aside.
The boys entered. A few seconds later we were all in the living room.
"Here we go, guys. Our favorite muffins. Drink some tea, it will lift your spirits." - i said, putting down a plate of muffins and three cups of tea.
"Thanks, Bad." - Dream said, with cold tone.
This tone began to bother me.
"Umm.. Guys. What's happening to you? Today you are not as cheerful as usual, and you speak so coldly. Something happened, tell me." - i asked.
"Just ignore it, Bad!" - George said a little rudely, and without looking me in the eyes.
The guys are really not in the mood today. I just exhaled. Then an SMS arrived on my phone. It was from Quackity.

Q: "Hey Bad. Can you come to my house? I need some help"

Once again someone asks me for help.
"Well guys. I need to go now and help Quackity. Just sit here and cool down for now. When i return we will talk about your cold behavior today." - i said leaving.
Opening the door, i left the house. Having closed the door, i was about to leave, but suddenly i heard the guys talking. I pressed myself against the door.

Dream: "He's going somewhere once again. No matter how much we don't come home, we don't have any alone time."

Sapnap: "I'm no longer surprised whether he left on his own, or whether Quackity wrote to him. Even through i and Karl are best friends with him, but... Does he really think that there is no one else on this server to help."

George: "It seems to me that we are already boring Bad, because instead of staying "no" to others and spending time with us, he easily agrees. He is too trusting person. But even people like him sometimes say no. And although it seems to me that we are no longer ideal for him. We may be good ourselves. Maybe Quackity, or someone else, really satisfied Bad more than we did. Maybe we should give up and come to terms with the fact that we are no longer destined to live happily."

It was like a knife in the heart.

Sapnap: "Maybe you're right. At least we'll remain friends. But i wonder why Quackity is silent this? He always seems to be aware of everything, and literally says everything out loud. Or maybe Bad, or one of our friends with whom he is in a relationship cannot yet report, i. e. they are preparing themselves. "

Dream: "I'm only interested in one thing. Who is this lucky guy who turned out to be better than us? And what did Bad see in him? Or maybe we didn't give something that Bad wanted from us? Why didn't he say? Is it really that complicated? Or what is he so afraid of?"

Tears came from my eyes.

George: "In that case, let's write a goodbye note."

Sapnap: "Shall we just write briefly, or in detail?"

Dream: "Well.. I think..."

I suddenly open the door and shout: "NO!!! DON'T DO THIS!!!"
The guys look at me in bewilderment.
"Bad? Shouldn't you be helping Quackity now?" - Sapnap asked in bewilderment.
"It doesn't matter! Guys. What were you talking about just now? Are you starting to suspect me of something, all because i just help everyone? That's why you've been so cold today?!" - i spoke trying not to let my voice break.
The guys just lowered their heads. I'm think i'm on the verge of hysterics.
"TELL ME ALREADY!" - i shouted.
Dream exhaled and spoke: "You've been constantly going somewhere lately. And you don't pay any attention to us."
"We started to think that you found someone else, someone turned out to be better than us. And... We think that we are not good enough for you. Or we are missing something that you wanted." - said Sapnap.
"Oh my goodness, guys." - i said indignantly.
"And since you are modest, we... We were afraid to say this to your face. And the note may have briefly described our condition, and..." - George said, but i abruptly stopped him by shouting: "STOP IT!! STOP!! Oh my goodness! I'm ashamed to hear these words! I don't even want to ask where you got these suspicions from! I can't believe that you... You were jealous of me because i just give help to everyone! You should see yourself! This is just grazy! I can't believe you said that with those faces! Just so know, as a child i swore that i would help everyone who asked me! And after that everyone was proud of me and helped me in return. You guys... You guys are fudging grazy!" - i was outraged.
I started to catch my breath.
"Well, forgive us, Bad. But you also understand us. Even kind people like you sometimes say "no" if they want a little break from constant requests for help." - said George.
"This is first time i've heard this, George! I've never gotten tired of it in all these years. I don't want to know where you saw or heard this!" - i was still outraged. "And if you really wanted my attention, you could just tell me about it! And i would stay with you! Because i don't know what's going on in your heads. Just so you know, i actually thought that you wanted to break up with me. Because judging by your faces, it's like you found something bad about me, and i'm not aware of it!" - i stated.
"Really? Just ask? And you stayed with us?" - Dream asked with bulging eyes.
The guys looked at each other.
"It turns out it's really just our fault?" - asked Sapnap.
I just stand there and wait for the next action. The guys turned to me. They opened their hands.
"Give us your attention." - said Sapnap.
I calmly walked over, wiping my tears, and sat on Dream's lap. Dream put his arms around my waist. George and Sapnap rested their heads on my shoulders. I just relaxed.


A few seconds later my phone vibrated again. I looked and it was Quackity again.

Q: "Hey Bad. Where are you? I'm fucking tired waiting for you."

"Speaking of the devil, Quackity is here." - i said.
"Don't text with him." - said George.
"Stop it, George. I'll do it like this." - i said.

BBH: "Sorry, Quackity. I'll stay at home today. If you have a complaint, ask Dream, George or your best friend Sapnap."

"Heheh. I'm his best friend." - Sapnap grinned.
I giggled.

Q: "Wtf?"

BBH: "Launguage."

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