Request N14. Manhunt (DreamHalo)

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For abo_shakera


A serious Manhunt for Dream. Me, George and Sapnap are hunters. Dream continues to be agile and cunning. Suddenly we lost him, as we were in the middle of the forest. But the guys agreed to split up and fled. I swallowed and walled foward. I quietly walk through the forest, tightly clutching the sword in my paws. I feel like Dream is around here somewhere. I shuddered at every rustle of bushes and other sounds. But suddenly i saw Dream near the cave. He looks around and then goes inside. Should i report the guys? I think not. I decided that i would kill Dream myself, but i have to be careful. I entered the cave. I'm trying to sneak quietly, because Dream might be somewhere nearby. I go deeper into the cave.
"I knew one of you would be able to track me down."
A voice from behind stopped me. I turned sharply when i saw Dream standing thirty meters  away from me.
"I felt that you would separate, hoping that this way you could intercept me. I calculated everything." - Dream said, pulling out a big axe.
Oh no. I'm dead.
"Um, Dream. W-wait. E-everything is not as you think. I... I'm here to help you. I can lie to the guys that you're not in the cave and i'll let you live." - i muttered.
"Do you think i'll believe you like that?" - Dream grinned as he walked towards me.
Tears started flowing from my eyes. I shrink with my eyes closed and hold the sword tightly in my paws in front of me.
"P-please, Dream. I'll do anything. Just tell me what the prize is for your trust." - i panicked.
"A prize for my trust? Do anything? Hmm.."
I'm still shaking with my eyes closed. What is he humming there? Suddenly, something stick-like touches and slides between my legs and my crotch. Something pricked my spine and made me let out a sob. I opened my eyes and removed my paws, seeing how Dream was teasing me with the tail of an axe, making me sob.
"I think i know what prize for my trust." - Dream says.
He stopped teasing me.
"You will repay me with your body!" - he added, sliding the tail of an axe from my crotch to my chin.
I feel like my cheeks are on fire.

Dream turned me to face of cave wall. I lean on my paws. Dream pulled off my pants and boxers. I turned sideways and out corner of my eye i see how Dream sat on his knees, stroking my butt and thigh.
"You are ready for any agreements, just to save your own skin." - Dream says.
I turned my back to the wall, because it embarrasses me.

(the smut has begun)

Suddenly i feel something warm touching my hole and tugging my tail. Looks like Dream is teasing me, making me sob. My body begins to tremble and i can barely stand. Slippery sounds and my sobs softly echo in the cave. Dream sticks his tongue deeper into my hole, forcing me to arch my back backwards.

Bad: "Haaah. Hah. Ah."

Dream began to stroke my thing. I can hardly stand on my legs. My stomach is on fire. I covered my mouth with my paw so as not to moan. I humming when i camed.
Then we both sit on the ground. Dream stretches me with two fingers while i suck on his thing. The stretches makes me moo with my mouth full. And Dream seems to feel it as he groans softly. He took my head with his free hand, lowering it faster. I accelerated, and Dream seems to have added a third finger. I moo louder and tremble. Dream groans and it's hard to breathe. Suddenly he camed into my mouth and i swallowed it. Then Dream rolled me onto my back, and he tumbled onto me, hugging me behind my back. He moves in me at a normal pace. I moan and look into his green eyes and the smirk on his face. Dream sped up. I closed my eyes, turning away and trying not to moan louder. Dream also groans and breathes into my neck. I dug my paws into his shoulders. For some reason it makes me feel good. My stomach is on fire again. We camed at same time. Then they put me in the doggy style. Dream moves in me again at the normal pace, holding my waist. I look at him from the side of the corner of my eye. I felt so good that my tongue sticks out. Dream slapped my butt. I twitched. Dream slapped from the other side.

Bad: "Ah. Mmgh"

"You're such a whore if you moan at my every move.~" - Dream grinned.
"L-l-language. Ah. Ah." - i told.
Dream sped up again. I threw my head back from it. I breathe like a dog with my tongue hanging out. Why is it so good? A few more pushes and we're camed. Dream came out of me.

(the end of smut)

"You know, i want to thank you for keeping me company and having fun with me. I'll give you change for that." - Dream said.
Then little bag of diamonds fell in front of me. I sat down, feeling the liquid flowing out of me. I was alone in the cave. I got up putting on my pants and taking the diamonds. I came out of the cave. Sapnap and George ran up to me.
"Oh, there you are, Bad. Did you find Dream?" - George asked.
"He's not in the cave, but i found this." - i said showing a little bag of diamonds.
"Oh, nice." - Sapnap said.

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